How To Clean Bamboo Hardwood Floors? [A Complete Guide]

Bamboo hardwood floors offer a perfect blend of elegance and sustainability. They add a touch of natural beauty to your home while being an eco-friendly flooring option. However, to maintain their luster and longevity, proper cleaning is essential. If you have bamboo floors in any space, knowing how to clean bamboo hardwood floors properly is necessary for you. 

To clean bamboo hardwood floors, gather supplies, dust, and sweep. Use a mild cleaner to mop, addressing stubborn spots separately. Dry thoroughly and maintain with regular sweeping and gentle mopping. Avoid harsh chemicals and excess water for optimal results.

In this guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to effectively clean your bamboo hardwood floors and keep them looking pristine. Keep reading and follow the guide below to learn about bamboo hardwood floor cleaning. 

For cleaning bamboo hardwood floors, first, you have to gather the tools and materials listed below: 

  • Bucket
  • Clean
  • Soft broom or vacuum with a soft brush attachment
  • Microfiber mop or a soft cloth mop
  • Mild bamboo-friendly hardwood floor cleaner

Time: 30 Minutes To an Hour

Cost: Dollars 20 To 50

6 Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Bamboo Hardwood Floors: A Detail Guide

Cleaning bamboo wood floors is a simple task if you have the tools and knowledge about the right process. From my experience, I have found an effective and easy way to clean bamboo hardwood flooring. Below are the steps of this technique. 

Step 1: Dusting and Sweeping

Start by removing any loose dirt, dust, and debris from the floor’s surface. Use a soft broom or a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to gently sweep the floor. This step prevents abrasive particles from scratching the surface during the cleaning process.

Step 2: Preparing the Cleaning Solution

Fill a bucket with warm water and add the recommended amount of mild bamboo-friendly hardwood floor cleaner. It’s crucial to choose a cleaner specifically designed for bamboo floors to prevent damage or discoloration.

Step 3: Mopping the Floor

Dip the microfiber mop or soft cloth mop into the cleaning solution, making sure it’s damp and not soaking wet. Wring out excess liquid to prevent water from seeping into the seams between bamboo planks, which could cause warping. Gently mop the floor, following the grain of the bamboo. Avoid using excessive water, as bamboo is sensitive to moisture.

Step 4: Spot Cleaning

For any stubborn stains or spills, apply a small amount of the bamboo-friendly cleaner directly onto a clean cloth and gently rub the affected area. Always wipe up spills promptly to prevent them from seeping into the floor.

Step 5: Drying the Floor

After mopping, ensure that the floor is thoroughly dry. Use clean, lint-free cloths to wipe down the surface and remove any excess moisture. This step is crucial, as excess water can cause swelling and damage to bamboo hardwood floors.

Step 6: Periodic Deep Cleaning

While regular cleaning maintains the appearance of your bamboo floors, periodic deep cleaning is also recommended. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for using a bamboo-friendly deep cleaner. Remember to avoid using abrasive tools or harsh chemicals that could harm the bamboo’s natural finish.

7 Tips About How to Clean Bamboo Hardwood Floors Naturally: Best Tips

Cleaning bamboo wooden flooring naturally involves using gentle, eco-friendly methods to maintain its beauty and integrity. Here are some effective tips to help you clean your bamboo floors without relying on harsh chemicals:

1. Vinegar and Water Solution: 

Create a natural cleaning solution by mixing equal parts of water and white vinegar. This solution is safe for bamboo floors and effectively removes dirt and grime. However, ensure the solution is well-diluted to prevent any potential damage.

2. Baking Soda Paste: 

For tougher stains or scuffs, make a paste using baking soda and water. Gently rub the paste on the affected area with a soft cloth, then wipe it clean with a damp cloth. Avoid scrubbing vigorously to prevent scratching.

3. Microfiber Mop: 

Invest in a high-quality microfiber mop for gentle and effective cleaning. Dampen the mop with the vinegar and water solution, wring out excess moisture, and mop the floors in small sections.

4. Natural Oils: 

Occasionally, you can use natural oils like coconut oil or jojoba oil to add shine and nourishment to your bamboo floors. Apply a small amount to a soft cloth, and rub it onto the floor in circular motions. Wipe off any excess oil to prevent a slippery surface.

5. Tea Solution: 

Brew a pot of black tea and let it cool. The tannins in the tea can help enhance the shine of your bamboo floors. Dampen a cloth with the cooled tea and wipe down the floors. Make sure the cloth is only slightly damp to avoid over-saturating the floor.

6. Avoid Excess Water: 

While these natural methods are gentle, it’s still important to avoid excess water on bamboo floors. Excessive moisture can lead to warping and damage. Always wring out cleaning cloths or mops to prevent this.

7. Regular Dusting: 

Implement a routine of regular dusting or sweeping to prevent dirt and debris buildup. This preventive measure reduces the need for intense cleaning sessions and maintains the floor’s appearance.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Bamboo Hardwood Floors with Vinegar:

Using vinegar as a natural cleaning solution for bamboo hardwood floors can be effective, but it’s important to be cautious and avoid certain mistakes to prevent damage. Here are the key pitfalls to steer clear of when cleaning your bamboo floors with vinegar:

1. Overusing Vinegar: 

One common mistake is using undiluted vinegar or too much vinegar in your cleaning solution. Vinegar is acidic and can potentially strip the finish off bamboo floors. Always dilute vinegar with water in equal parts to create a safe cleaning solution.

2. Failing to Test: 

Before applying the vinegar solution to the entire floor, test it in a small inconspicuous area. This helps ensure that the solution doesn’t cause any adverse reactions or discoloration on your bamboo floors.

3. Excessive Moisture: 

While vinegar is less harsh than some commercial cleaners, excess moisture can still damage bamboo. Wring out your mop or cloth thoroughly to prevent over-saturating the floors. Avoid allowing standing water to linger on the surface.

4. Aggressive Scrubbing: 

Scrubbing vigorously, even with a gentle solution like vinegar and water, can lead to scratches or damage over time. Use a soft cloth or a microfiber mop to clean the floors gently, without applying excessive pressure.

5. Ignoring Residue: 

After using the vinegar solution, make sure to wipe down the floors with a damp, clean cloth to remove any residue. Lingering residue can dull the shine of the bamboo and create a sticky surface.

6. Skipping the Drying Step: 

Properly drying the floors after cleaning is crucial. Excess moisture left behind can seep into the seams and cause warping or other water-related damage. Use a dry cloth or mop to ensure the floors are completely dry.

7. Using Vinegar Too Frequently: 

While vinegar can be an effective natural cleaner, using it too frequently can still impact the finish of your bamboo floors. It’s best to incorporate vinegar-based cleaning into your routine on an occasional basis rather than every time you clean.

8. Not Following Manufacturer Guidelines: 

Always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific bamboo flooring before using any cleaning solution, including vinegar. Some manufacturers may recommend alternative cleaning methods to ensure the longevity of your floors.


Can I Use Any Cleaner To Mop My Bamboo Hardwood Floors?

It’s recommended to use a pH-balanced bamboo floor cleaner to prevent damage. Harsh chemicals or acidic solutions can strip the finish and harm the bamboo’s natural beauty.

How Often Should I Sweep Or Dust My Bamboo Floors?

Regular sweeping or dusting on a daily basis is ideal to prevent dirt and debris from scratching the surface and to maintain the floors’ shine.

Can I Use A Steam Mop On Bamboo Hardwood Floors?

It’s best to avoid steam mops, as excessive moisture can lead to warping and damage. Stick to damp mopping using a gentle cleaning solution.

What Should I Do If My Bamboo Floors Have Scratches?

To address minor scratches, use a wood filler crayon or marker that matches the floor color. For deeper scratches, consider refinishing the affected area to restore its appearance.

Are Rugs Or Mats Safe For Bamboo Floors?

Yes, rugs or mats with non-slip backings placed in high-traffic areas or entryways can help protect bamboo floors from wear and dirt, prolonging their lifespan.

Can Water Spills Damage Bamboo Hardwood Floors?

Excess water can seep into seams and cause warping. Wipe up spills promptly and avoid using excessive moisture when mopping.

How Do I Maintain The Natural Shine Of Bamboo Floors?

Regular cleaning and avoiding abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals help maintain the shine. Buffing with a dry, clean cloth after mopping can also enhance the luster.

Are There Any DIY Cleaning Solutions I Can Use?

Mixing water with a small amount of white vinegar can serve as a DIY solution. However, it’s crucial to ensure the solution is well-diluted to prevent any potential damage.

Can I Use A Vacuum With A Beater Bar On Bamboo Floors?

Vacuums with beater bars can scratch the surface of bamboo floors. Opt for a vacuum with a hardwood floor attachment or use a soft-bristle broom instead.

How Can I Prevent Fading Of Bamboo Floors Due To Sunlight Exposure?

Use window coverings like curtains or blinds to limit direct sunlight exposure. UV-blocking coatings on windows can also help reduce the risk of fading over time.


Caring for bamboo hardwood floors doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following this step-by-step guide on how to clean bamboo hardwood floors, you can clean and maintain the beauty of your bamboo flooring. 

Remember to use bamboo-friendly cleaning products and avoid excess moisture to prevent any potential damage. With the right care, your bamboo hardwood floors will continue to be a stunning addition to your home for years.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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