How To Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles? [Simple Steps With Tips]

How To Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles

A clean and hygienic bathroom is essential for maintaining a healthy living environment. Among the various elements in a bathroom, the floor tiles require special attention as they often accumulate dirt, grime, and soap scum over time. Regular cleaning not only ensures a sparkling appearance but also prolongs the life of the tiles. But do you know how to clean bathroom floor tile for enjoying prolonged benefits?

Clean bathroom floor tiles by gathering supplies, clearing the floor, and sweeping or vacuuming to remove debris. Mix a mild tile cleaner with water and scrub the tiles using a mop or soft brush. Pay attention to grout lines. Rinse thoroughly and dry the area.

In this step-by-step guide, I will walk you through an effective process to clean bathroom tile floors and restore their original shine. From my experience, I also give you some pro tips to remove old dirt and grime easily. So don’t waste time, let’s dive into the main discussions.

Gather the Necessary Materials and Tools:

  • Broom or vacuum cleaner
  • Mild tile cleaner
  • Bucket
  • Mop or soft-bristle brush
  • Grout brush or old toothbrush
  • Microfiber or cotton towels
  • Water
  • Rubber gloves (optional)
  • Protective eyewear (optional)

Time: Approximately 1 to 1.5 hours

Total Estimated Costs: $17 – $45

7 Steps To Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles Like A Pro:

Having clear and concise ideas and knowledge of cleaning bathroom floor tiles transforms your routine into a professional-grade process. Follow these expert steps to achieve a spotless, gleaming floor that reflects your attention to detail and ensures a pristine bathroom environment.

Step 1: Clear The Bathroom Floor

Before starting cleaning, ensure the bathroom floor is clear of any obstacles such as bathmats, rugs, or trash cans. This will allow you to access all areas of the floor tiles easily and clean them thoroughly.

Step 2: Remove Loose Debris

Using a broom or a vacuum cleaner with a floor brush attachment, sweep or vacuum the bathroom floor. This will help remove loose dirt, hair, and debris that might scratch the tiles during the cleaning process.

Step 3: Prepare The Cleaning Solution

Fill a bucket with warm water and add the recommended amount of mild detergent or tile cleaner. Read the product labels for specific instructions on dilution ratios. Avoid using harsh chemicals or acidic cleaners, as they can damage the tiles’ finish and grout.

Step 4: Wet The Mop And Start Cleaning

Dip the mop into the cleaning solution and wring out any excess water. Begin mopping the bathroom floor, starting from one corner and working your way toward the exit. This prevents you from stepping on the freshly cleaned tiles. For stubborn stains or grout lines, apply some extra pressure and scrub gently with a soft-bristled brush or a toothbrush.

Step 5: Rinse The Tiles Floor

Once you’ve mopped the entire floor, rinse the mop thoroughly to remove any soapy residue. Then, go over the floor again with clean, warm water to rinse off the cleaning solution. This step ensures there is no residue left on the tiles, which could attract more dirt in the future.

Step 6: Dry The Area

To prevent slipping and water damage to the grout, it’s essential to dry the bathroom floor thoroughly. You can either use a dry mop or soft, absorbent towels to soak up excess moisture.

Step 7: Clean Up

Empty and rinse out the buckets, and properly store all cleaning tools and materials. If used, clean and store protective gloves and eyewear appropriately for future use.

Ways to Clean Years-Long Dirt from Bathroom Tile Floors:

Over the years, bathroom tile floors can accumulate stubborn dirt and grime that regular cleaning may not fully address. Cleaning deeply ingrained dirt requires a more thorough approach. Here are some effective ways to clean such dirt.

Method 1: Vinegar And Baking Soda Solution

A powerful combination of natural ingredients, this method utilizes white vinegar’s acidic properties to dissolve grime and baking soda’s gentle abrasiveness to scrub away years-long dirt from bathroom tile floors. It’s an eco-friendly option that leaves your tiles refreshed and clean.

  • Mix equal parts of white vinegar and hot water in a bucket to create a cleaning solution.
  • Sprinkle baking soda over heavily soiled areas of the tile floor to form a natural scrubbing paste.
  • Dip a soft-bristle brush or scrubbing pad into the vinegar solution.
  • Gently scrub the tile floor, concentrating on areas with stubborn dirt and grime.
  • Rinse the tile floor with clean water to remove the vinegar and baking soda residue.
  • Dry the floor using microfiber or cotton towels to prevent water spots and streaks.

Method 2: Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning introduces high-temperature steam to your cleaning arsenal. This method effectively penetrates tile surfaces, loosening and lifting embedded dirt accumulated over the years. With its ability to sanitize without chemicals, steam cleaning brings back the tiles’ shine while ensuring a thorough cleanse.

  • Fill the steam cleaner with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Allow the steam cleaner to heat up as specified.
  • Test the steam cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the tile floor to ensure compatibility.
  • Slowly move the steam cleaner across the tile floor, working on one section at a time.
  • Wipe away loosened dirt and moisture using a microfiber or cotton towel after each section.

Method 3: Commercial Tile And Grout Cleaner

When dealing with accumulated dirt that has settled in the pores of your bathroom tiles, a specialized commercial tile and grout cleaner prove valuable. Engineered to target deep-seated dirt and grime, this method restores your tiles’ original appearance and hygiene, offering a comprehensive solution.

  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prepare the cleaning solution using a commercial tile and grout cleaner.
  • Mix the cleaning solution in a bucket as directed by the manufacturer.
  • Apply the cleaning solution to areas with years-long dirt buildup.
  • Allow the solution to sit for the recommended duration, as specified on the product label.
  • Use a soft-bristle brush or scrubbing pad to gently scrub the tile floor, focusing on heavily soiled areas.
  • Rinse the tile floor thoroughly with clean water to remove the cleaning solution.
  • Dry the floor using microfiber or cotton towels to prevent water spots.

Tips To Clean Hard Water Stains From Bathroom Floor Tiles:

Discover effective tips to tackle persistent hard water stains on bathroom floor tiles. These expert tips will help restore the shine and cleanliness of your tiles, ensuring a pristine bathroom environment.

Tip 1: Use Vinegar

Vinegar is an effective natural solution due to its acidic properties. Mixing equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle creates a powerful cleaner. Spray this solution onto the hard water stains, allowing it to sit for a few minutes. The acid in the vinegar breaks down the minerals causing the stains. Gently scrub the stained areas with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse with water and dry the tiles thoroughly.

Tip 2: Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains citric acid, which can dissolve mineral deposits. Squeeze fresh lemon juice directly onto the hard water stains and let it sit for a while. The acidity of the lemon juice works to break down the stains. After a few minutes, scrub the stained areas gently with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse and dry the tiles to prevent new stains from forming.

Tip 3: Baking Soda Paste

Create a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply the paste to the hard water stains and let it sit for a few minutes. Baking soda’s mild abrasive nature helps to lift the stains. Gently scrub the stains using a soft brush or cloth. This method is particularly useful for textured tiles where stains might be deeply embedded. Rinse the tiles thoroughly and dry them to prevent future stains.

Tip 4: Commercial Cleaners

Commercial cleaners formulated to remove hard water stains are available. Choose a product compatible with your tile type and follow the instructions on the label. These cleaners often contain specific ingredients designed to dissolve and remove mineral buildup effectively. Apply the cleaner, let it work according to the instructions, scrub if necessary, and rinse thoroughly.

Tip 5: Vinegar Soak

For persistent stains, create a vinegar-soaked cloth or paper towel. Place it directly over the stained areas and leave it overnight. The prolonged contact allows the vinegar to dissolve the mineral deposits. In the morning, scrub the stains gently with a soft brush or cloth. Rinse and dry the tiles to reveal a cleaner surface.

Tip 6: Regular Cleaning

Prevent hard water stains by incorporating regular cleaning habits. After using the shower or bath, wipe down the tiles with a squeegee or a towel. This minimizes the amount of standing water that can lead to mineral buildup. Consistent maintenance goes a long way in reducing the occurrence of hard water stains.

Tip 7: Protective Coating

Applying a tile and grout sealer creates a barrier that makes it difficult for hard water stains to adhere to the surface. The protective layer prevents minerals from penetrating the tile’s pores. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and reapplication intervals to maintain the effectiveness of the sealer.

Tip 8: Gentle Scrubbing

When scrubbing hard water stains, use a soft brush or cloth. Avoid abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the tiles. Abrasive tools might remove the stain but could compromise the tile’s appearance and integrity.

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Keeping White Bathroom Floor Tiles Clean:

White bathroom floor tiles can add a touch of elegance and brightness to any bathroom. However, they require proper care and maintenance to retain their pristine appearance. To keep your white bathroom floor tiles clean and spotless, avoid these common mistakes:

  1. Using Harsh Chemicals:

Avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or abrasive cleaners on white tiles, as they can damage the tile surface and grout. Opt for mild, pH-neutral cleaners specifically designed for tile cleaning.

  1. Ignoring Spills and Stains:

Promptly clean up any spills or stains on your white tiles to prevent them from setting in. Leaving stains unattended can lead to permanent discoloration.

  1. Using Colored Cleaning Tools:

Avoid using colored cleaning cloths or mops, as the dyes may transfer onto the white tiles, causing stains. Stick to white or colorless cleaning tools to prevent any accidental color transfer.

  1. Overlooking Grout Cleaning:

The grout between white tiles is prone to discoloration and staining. Regularly clean and seal the grout to maintain its brightness and prevent mold or mildew growth.

  1. Using Scrub Brushes with Metal Bristles:

Avoid using scrub brushes with metal bristles, as they can scratch and damage the tile surface. Opt for soft-bristled brushes or microfiber cloths for gentle yet effective cleaning.

  1. Neglecting Proper Ventilation:

A poorly ventilated bathroom can lead to excess moisture, which promotes mold and mildew growth. Use exhaust fans or open windows during and after showers to maintain a dry environment.

  1. Using Excessive Water:

Using too much water during cleaning can cause water to seep into the grout lines, leading to potential water damage and discoloration. Use a damp mop or cloth, rather than a soaking wet one.

How To Clean Grout Between Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Cleaning grout between bathroom floor tiles is a straightforward but essential task to maintain a fresh and appealing bathroom. Begin by removing loose dirt and debris with a sweep or vacuum. Next, prepare a cleaning solution, which can consist of warm water and a pH-neutral tile and grout cleaner, or a homemade mixture of water with baking soda, vinegar, or hydrogen peroxide. 

Apply the solution to the grout lines, allowing it to sit for a few minutes to work on stains and accumulated grime. Utilize a grout brush, an old toothbrush, or a stiff-bristle brush to scrub the grout lines with determination. After that, rinse the grout thoroughly with clean water and wipe it dry with a clean cloth. 

For tougher stains or mold, consider a commercial grout cleaner or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Consistency in grout cleaning will help preserve the bathroom’s overall cleanliness and aesthetics.

How To Clean Stained Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Cleaning stained bathroom floor tiles effectively requires a deliberate approach. Begin by eliminating loose dirt and debris through sweeping or vacuuming. Prepare a cleaning solution by mixing warm water with a pH-neutral tile and grout cleaner, or opt for a potent combination of water and baking soda to enhance stain-fighting capabilities. 

Apply this solution to the stained tiles and grout, allowing it to settle for a few minutes and work its way into the stains. Employ a soft-bristle brush or a scrubbing pad to vigorously scrub the affected areas, focusing your efforts to remove the stains completely. Thoroughly rinse the tiles with clean water to ensure the removal of any residual cleaning solution, and allow the floor to air dry naturally.

 For persistent stains, explore the option of using a commercial cleaner specifically designed to target stubborn stains, while always conducting a patch test in an inconspicuous area first. Consistent cleaning practices and swift attention to stains can help preserve the pristine appearance of your bathroom floor tiles.

How To Clean Very Dirty Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Cleaning very dirty bathroom floor tiles demands a thorough and determined approach. Begin by removing loose dirt and debris with a sweep or vacuum. Prepare a cleaning solution, either by mixing warm water with a potent pH-neutral tile and grout cleaner or crafting a paste from water and baking soda for added cleaning strength. Apply this solution to the grimy tiles and grout, allowing it to sit for a few minutes to loosen accumulated dirt. 

Take to the task with determination, scrubbing vigorously using a stiff-bristle brush, scrubbing pad, or even an old toothbrush, with a focused effort on high-traffic areas and grout lines. Rinse the tiles thoroughly with clean water to ensure the removal of any lingering residue and either towel-dry the floor or allow it to air dry. 

If tough stains persist, consider repeating the process or employing a commercial tile and grout cleaner. Maintaining regular cleaning routines can help prevent the recurrence of deeply embedded grime, ensuring your easiest way to clean bathroom floor tiles stay consistently clean and fresh.

How To Clean Hard Water Stains From Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Cleaning hard water stains from bathroom floor tiles can be accomplished with a straightforward approach. Begin by creating a solution of equal parts white vinegar and warm water, as vinegar is effective in breaking down mineral deposits. Apply this solution to the stained areas, allowing it to sit and work its magic for 5-10 minutes. 

After the vinegar has had time to loosen the hard water stains, use a soft-bristle brush, scrubbing pad, or even an old toothbrush to gently scrub the tiles and agitate the solution. Finally, rinse the tiles thoroughly with clean water to remove any residual vinegar. 

For stubborn stains, consider using a commercial lime scale remover or a mixture of water and baking soda. Consistent cleaning maintenance is key to preventing the recurrence of hard water stains on bathroom floor tiles.

How To Clean and Whitten Old Industrial Bathroom Floor Tiles?

To clean and whiten old industrial bathroom floor tiles, you’ll want to start with a comprehensive approach. Clear away loose debris by sweeping or vacuuming. Create a cleaning solution by mixing warm water with a strong alkaline cleaner or a mixture of water and baking soda for extra whitening power. 

Apply this solution to the tiles and grout, allowing it to sit for a few minutes. Scrub vigorously using a stiff-bristle brush or a commercial-grade floor scrubber to remove built-up grime and stains. 

For added whitening, focus on the grout lines with a paste made from baking soda and water. Rinse thoroughly and let the floor air dry. Remember to test any new cleaning product on a small, inconspicuous area to avoid damaging the tiles or grout.


What Is The Best Thing To Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles?

The best thing to clean bathroom floor tiles is a mild, pH-neutral tile cleaner. It effectively removes dirt and grime without damaging the tiles or grout. Use a soft-bristled brush or a microfiber mop for gentle cleaning. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners, as they can harm the tiles.

Can Oxi-Clean Be Used On Bathroom Tile Floors?

OxiClean can be effective for cleaning bathroom tile floors. Its oxygen-based formula helps break down dirt, grime, and stains. To use, dissolve OxiClean in water according to the instructions. Apply the solution to the tile floor, allowing it to sit for a few minutes.

Then, scrub gently with a brush or cloth, then rinse thoroughly. However, test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure compatibility with your tile type, and avoid using excessive amounts, which could potentially damage grout or tiles.

What Can You Use To Clean Bathroom Floor Ceramic Tile?

For bathroom floor ceramic tiles, a mild mixture of warm water and a pH-neutral tile cleaner works well. Mix according to the cleaner’s instructions, then mop or scrub the floor. Avoid harsh chemicals that might damage the ceramic glaze.

For stubborn stains, a baking soda paste or a mixture of white vinegar and water can be effective. Remember to rinse well and dry the tiles to prevent water spots and ensure a clean shine.

How Often Should You Deep Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Deep cleaning bathroom floor tiles should be done approximately every 1 to 2 months. The frequency can vary depending on factors such as foot traffic, the presence of children or pets, and the level of humidity in the bathroom. Regular maintenance like sweeping and wiping down can help extend the time between deep cleaning sessions.

However, to prevent grime buildup, maintain hygiene, and preserve the tiles’ appearance, scheduling a thorough deep clean every 1 to 2 months is generally recommended.

How Can You Prevent Mold And Mildew On Bathroom Floor Tiles?

To prevent mold and mildew on bathroom floor tiles, ensure proper ventilation by using exhaust fans or opening windows after showers. Regularly wipe down surfaces to remove excess moisture, use mildew-resistant cleaning products, and seal grout to deter moisture penetration.

Address leaks promptly, clean with natural solutions like vinegar, and place absorbent mats or rugs outside the shower. By adhering to these practices, you can maintain a mold-free and hygienic bathroom environment.

What is The Best Way To Clean Bathroom Floor Tiles?

The best way to clean bathroom tile floor is to start by removing loose dirt and debris with a broom or vacuum. Next, mix a solution of warm water and a mild pH-neutral cleaner, such as a tile and grout cleaner or a mixture of water with a few drops of dish soap. 

Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage grout or tile surfaces. Scrub the tiles gently with a soft-bristle brush or a mop, paying extra attention to grout lines. Rinse with clean water and dry with a towel or allow it to air dry. 

For stubborn stains or mildew, consider a 1:1 water and white vinegar solution. Regular cleaning maintenance will help keep your bathroom floor tiles looking clean and fresh.

Can Oxi-Clean be Used on Bathroom Tile Floors?

OxiClean can be used on bathroom tile floors, but it’s essential to use it with caution. OxiClean is a versatile cleaner that can help remove stains and grime from various surfaces, including tiles and grout. To use it, follow the product’s instructions for dilution and application. 

Typically, you would create a solution by mixing OxiClean with water and then apply it to the tile floor. Scrub the surface gently with a soft-bristle brush or a mop and allow it to sit for the recommended time before rinsing thoroughly with clean water. 

Always test a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t affect your specific tile or grout, as some tile materials may be more sensitive to certain cleaners.

Is Ammonia Good To Clean a Dirty Bathroom Floor Tiles?

While ammonia can be effective for cleaning, it’s not recommended for use on bathroom floor tiles, especially those with grout. Ammonia can cause discoloration or damage to certain types of grout and tile surfaces, particularly natural stone tiles like marble or limestone. Additionally, the strong fumes from ammonia can be harmful when inhaled, especially in enclosed spaces like bathrooms. 

It’s advisable to opt for safer alternatives such as mild pH-neutral cleaners, baking soda, or white vinegar solutions for regular tile and grout cleaning. Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area before using it on the entire surface. 

Regular maintenance and gentle cleaning techniques will help preserve the integrity and appearance of your bathroom floor tiles.

What To Use To Clean Bathroom Tile Floors?

To clean bathroom tile floors effectively, start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose dirt and debris. Then, mix a solution of warm water and a mild pH-neutral cleaner, such as a tile and grout cleaner or a mixture of water and a few drops of dish soap. 

Avoid harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia, as they can damage grout and tiles. Use a soft-bristle brush, mop, or a microfiber cloth to scrub the tiles, paying extra attention to grout lines. Rinse with clean water and dry with a towel or allow it to air dry. 

For stubborn stains or mildew, consider a 1:1 water and white vinegar solution. Regular maintenance and prompt cleaning will help keep your deep clean bathroom tile floor looking fresh and free from grime.


Keeping your bathroom floor tiles clean is not only crucial for aesthetics but also for maintaining a healthy and sanitary living space. With the step-by-step guide on how to clean bathroom floor tiles provided above, you can efficiently clean your bathroom floor tiles, ensuring they remain in excellent condition for years to come. A little effort and a consistent cleaning schedule will go a long way in creating a clean and inviting bathroom environment.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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