How To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors? [A Complete Guide]

How To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors

Porcelain tile floors are not only beautiful but also durable, making them a popular choice for homes and commercial spaces alike. However, to maintain their luster and prolong their life, regular cleaning is essential. But with lack of knowledge many home owners or individuals make mistakes while cleaning. So how to clean porcelain tile floors to bring its shine and glaze?

Clening porcelain tile floor is effortless with right methods and skills. To clean porcelain tile floors, start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose debris. Mix a mild detergent with warm water and mop the floor, then rinse with clean water. Avoid harsh cleaners and abrasive tools.

In this article, I will guide you through a step-by-step process to effectively clean your porcelain tile floors and keep them looking pristine for years to come. Also, I’ll mention some best machine that effectively clean the specific floor gently.

Gather the Necessary Materials and Tools:


  • Mild detergent or pH-neutral tile cleaner
  • Warm water
  • Clean water for rinsing
  • Optional: White vinegar for stubborn stains
  • Optional: Baking soda for grout cleaning


  • Broom or vacuum cleaner
  • Mop (microfiber or sponge)
  • Bucket for mixing cleaning solution
  • Soft-bristle brush or mop with gentle bristles for scrubbing
  • Clean, soft towels or microfiber cloths for drying
  • Grout brush for cleaning grout lines
  • Optional: Spray bottle for vinegar solution
  • Optional: Soft scrub pad for tough stains (avoid abrasive pads)
  • Optional: Extension pole for mopping large areas

Time: 30 minutes to an hour

Cost: $50 to $300

10 Steps To Clean  Porcelain Tile Floors:

Maintaining the appealing beauty of porcelain tile floors requires a systematic approach. By following these step-by-step instructions, you can ensure the longevity and shine of your flooring investment. 

Step 1: Prepare the Area

Prepare the area by clearing furniture, rugs, and obstacles from the floor space. Safeguard furniture with cloths or plastic coverings. Close doors and windows to prevent water from spreading. Ensure ventilation for strong odors. Address tripping hazards and move furniture cautiously to prevent strain or injury.

Step 2: Sweep or Vacuum

Start by sweeping the floor with a broom or using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment. This removes loose dirt, dust, and debris that could scratch the tiles during cleaning.

Step 3: Mix Cleaning Solution

Fill a bucket with warm water and add a mild detergent specifically designed for cleaning tiles. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the appropriate dilution.

Step 4: Mop the Floor

Dip a mop into the cleaning solution, then wring it out until it’s damp but not dripping. Begin mopping the floor, working in manageable sections. Make sure the mop is not overly wet, as excess water can seep into grout lines and cause damage over time.

Step 5: Address Stains and Spots

For stubborn stains or spots, you might need a more targeted approach. Create a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar, or follow the manufacturer’s instructions for a tile stain remover. Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before gently scrubbing with a soft brush or cloth.

Step 6: Rinse the Floor

After mopping with the cleaning solution, empty the bucket and refill it with clean water. Use a clean mop to go over the floor again, this time with plain water. This step removes any residual detergent and prevents streaks or film buildup.

Step 7: Dry the Floor

Use dry, clean towels or a microfiber cloth to wipe down the floor and remove excess moisture. Proper drying prevents water spots and enhances the shine of the tiles.

Step 8: Focus on Grout Lines

If your tiles have grout lines, use a grout brush or an old toothbrush to clean the grout. You can also create a paste with water and baking soda, apply it to the grout lines, scrub gently, and then rinse.

Step 9: Optional: Apply Sealant (if needed)

If your porcelain tiles are unglazed or if you want extra protection, consider applying a tile and grout sealer. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and drying time.

4 Easiest Ways To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors:

Uncover the simplicity of maintaining impeccable porcelain tile floors with these straightforward methods. Applying these methods will bring more shine to your tile floors so that it look brighter always.

Way 1: Damp Mopping:

Damp mopping is a quick and effective method for regular maintenance. Use a microfiber mop dampened with water to clean the surface without oversaturating it. This method helps lift dirt and dust while being gentle on the tiles. Avoid excessive moisture, as too much water can seep into grout lines.

Way 2: Spot Treatment

Address spills promptly by blotting them with a clean, damp cloth. For more stubborn spots, use a mild tile cleaner diluted in water. Quick action prevents liquids from seeping into the tiles or grout, reducing the likelihood of staining.

Way 3: pH-Neutral Cleaners

When using cleaning solutions, opt for pH-neutral tile cleaners. These cleaners effectively remove dirt and grime without leaving behind residues that could dull the tile’s finish. Dilute the cleaner as recommended by the manufacturer to ensure proper effectiveness.

Way 4: Gentle Scrubbing

For areas with stubborn stains or grout lines that need attention, use a soft-bristle brush. Gently scrub the stained area with the diluted cleaning solution or a mixture of water and white vinegar. Avoid harsh scrubbing or abrasive tools to prevent damaging the tiles.

5 Best Machines to Clean Porcelain Floor Tiles:

When it comes to efficiently cleaning porcelain tile floors, using the right machine can make a significant difference. While there are various machines available in the market, certain features and considerations can help you determine the best one for your needs.

  1. Bissell CrossWave Pet Pro All-in-One Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner:

This machine is specifically designed for homes with pets, making it ideal for porcelain tile floors that often face pet hair and messes. Its dual-action brush roll and powerful suction effectively remove dirt, debris, and pet hair, while also being gentle on delicate tiles.

  1. iRobot Roomba s9+ Robot Vacuum Cleaner:

The advanced mapping and navigation technology of the Roomba s9+ ensure thorough and efficient cleaning of porcelain tile floors. Its precision cleaning abilities, including corner cleaning, make it a great choice for maintaining large tile areas with minimal manual effort.

  1. Shark Genius Hard Floor Cleaning System Pocket Steam Mop:

This steam mop is tailored for tile floors, as it sanitizes and cleans without the need for harsh chemicals. Its steam technology eliminates germs and grime, while the washable cleaning pads are suitable for porcelain tiles and provide cost-effective, eco-friendly cleaning.

  1. Hoover FloorMate Deluxe Hard Floor Cleaner:

Offering a combination of scrubbing and vacuuming, the FloorMate Deluxe is designed to tackle dirt and stains on porcelain tile floors. Its gentle brushes and separate clean and dirty water tanks ensure efficient cleaning without cross-contamination.

  1. Karcher FC 5 Hard Floor Cleaner:

The Karcher FC 5 offers a unique two-in-one feature – it both vacuums and washes the floor simultaneously. This saves time and is effective for porcelain tile floors, ensuring a consistent and streak-free cleaning process while removing dirt and spills in one step.

8 Tips For Cleaning Porcelain Tile Floors Effectively And Fast:

To make your task easier and fast, there is no alternative except knowing the effective tips. Here are some essential tips to clean your porcelain tile floors like an expert.

Tip 1: Regular Maintenance

Frequent sweeping or vacuuming prevents dirt, dust, and debris from accumulating on your porcelain tile floors. This reduces the amount of grime that needs to be removed during deep cleaning sessions, making the overall cleaning process faster and more efficient.

Tip 2: Use the Right Tools

Opt for a microfiber mop or a steam mop for porcelain tile floors. Microfiber is gentle on the tiles and effectively captures dirt and dust, while a steam mop offers a combination of heat and moisture to loosen and lift stubborn grime without excess water.

Tip 3: Mild Cleaning Solution

Choose a pH-neutral tile cleaner to prevent streaks or residue. Mix the cleaner with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the tiles or leave behind unwanted residues.

Tip 4: Prevent Scratches

Choose soft-bristle brushes or mop pads to protect the surface of your porcelain tiles. Abrasive tools can scratch and dull the finish over time, so prioritize using gentle cleaning tools.

Tip 5: Focus On Grout

Keep grout lines clean by using a grout brush or an old toothbrush. Regular attention to grout prevents dirt buildup and helps maintain the overall appearance of your tiles.

Tip 6: Divide And Conquer

Break down larger areas into smaller sections to manage your cleaning efforts more efficiently. This approach ensures that you don’t miss any spots and can help you complete the task faster.

Tip 7: Limit Water

When mopping, use a damp mop rather than soaking it. Excess water can seep into grout lines and potentially cause damage over time. Wring out the mop well to avoid leaving puddles behind.

Tip 8: Consider Machine Options

For speed and convenience, explore modern cleaning machines such as steam mops or automated floor cleaners designed specifically for tile surfaces. These devices can significantly reduce your cleaning time while maintaining the quality of your porcelain tile floors.

How To Clean Black Porcelain Floor Tiles

To clean black porcelain floor tiles, begin by sweeping or vacuuming the surface to remove loose dirt and debris. Mix a mild detergent with warm water, applying the solution to the tiles with a soft mop or cloth.

For stubborn stains, use a non-abrasive cleaner suitable for porcelain. Avoid abrasive tools or harsh chemicals that can damage the finish. Rinse the floor thoroughly with clean water and dry it with a soft, absorbent cloth to prevent water spots.

Regular maintenance with a pH-neutral cleaner will help preserve the tiles’ sheen. Be cautious with colored or patterned tiles, as abrasive cleaning may affect their appearance.

How To Clean Glazed Porcelain Floor Tiles

Cleaning glazed porcelain floor tiles is simple and effective. Begin by sweeping or vacuuming the surface to remove loose dirt. Mix a mild detergent or a specialized porcelain cleaner with warm water, applying the solution with a soft mop or cloth. 

For tougher stains, use a non-abrasive cleaner suitable for glazed surfaces. Avoid harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that may damage the glaze. Rinse the tiles thoroughly with clean water and dry them with a soft, absorbent cloth to prevent streaks or water spots.

Regularly maintain the tiles with a pH-neutral cleaner to preserve their glossy finish and cleanliness.

How To Clean Grout Between Porcelain Floor Tiles

To clean grout between porcelain floor tiles, start by sweeping or vacuuming the area to remove loose debris. Mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar or use a specialized grout cleaner.

Apply the solution to the grout lines, scrubbing gently with a grout brush or an old toothbrush. For stubborn stains, make a paste of baking soda and water, apply it to the grout, and scrub. Rinse the area with clean water and dry thoroughly.

To prevent future stains, consider applying a grout sealer after cleaning. Regular maintenance will keep your porcelain floor tiles and grout looking fresh.

How To Clean Matte Porcelain Floor Tiles

Cleaning matte porcelain floor tiles requires a gentle approach to preserve the finish. Begin by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose dirt. Mix a solution of mild detergent and warm water or use a pH-neutral cleaner suitable for matte surfaces.

Apply the solution with a soft mop or cloth, avoiding abrasive tools that could scratch the matte finish. For stubborn stains, use a non-abrasive cleaner specifically designed for matte porcelain.

Rinse the tiles thoroughly with clean water and dry with a soft, absorbent cloth to prevent water spots. Regularly clean with a gentle solution to maintain the matte appearance of your porcelain floor tiles.

Related Questions:

How Do You Clean Porcelain Tile Floors After Installation?

After installation, start by removing any construction debris. Sweep or vacuum the floor to eliminate dirt and dust. Mix a mild pH-neutral cleaner with warm water and mop the area. Focus on using a soft mop or cloth to prevent scratching the fresh tiles.

Rinse with clean water and dry thoroughly to avoid water spots. Allow the tiles to settle for about a week before considering more aggressive cleaning methods.

What Are The Best Mop For Cleaning Porcelain Tile Floors?

Microfiber mops are optimal for porcelain tile floors due to their gentle cleaning action. These mops effectively capture dirt and debris without scratching the tile’s surface. Alternatively, steam mops are advantageous as they combine heat and moisture to loosen grime. Opt for mops with soft, non-abrasive pads to ensure the tiles remain unscathed while efficiently cleaning.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors?

A successful cleaning routine involves a blend of regular maintenance and occasional deep cleaning. Sweep or vacuum daily to prevent dirt buildup. For deeper cleaning, mix a mild pH-neutral cleaner with warm water and mop the floor.

Concentrate on soft brush cleaning for grout lines. Thoroughly drying the floor after cleaning prevents unsightly water spots. Swiftly addressing spills and prioritizing high-traffic areas maintain the floor’s appearance and integrity.

What Cleaning Solution To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors?

Choose a pH-neutral tile cleaner, as it effectively removes dirt without compromising the tile’s finish. Dilute the cleaner as specified on the product label, using warm water. Abrasive cleaners and harsh chemicals should be avoided, as they can damage the tiles over time and leave behind unwanted residues.

Is It Okay To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors With Vinegar?

Though vinegar can be an effective cleaner for certain surfaces, it’s not recommended for porcelain tile floors. The acidic nature of vinegar can gradually deteriorate grout and harm the tile’s surface, leading to a diminished shine. Instead, choose a pH-neutral tile cleaner or a mild soap solution to ensure the longevity and luster of your porcelain tiles.

How Often Should You Clean Your Porcelain Tile Floors?

You should aim to clean your porcelain tile floors regularly to maintain their appearance and longevity. A general guideline is to perform light cleaning, such as sweeping or vacuuming, on a daily or every-other-day basis to prevent dirt buildup.

Deep cleaning, including mopping with a mild pH-neutral cleaner, should be done at least once a week or as needed based on foot traffic and spills. Adjust the frequency based on your specific household needs, but regular maintenance will ensure your floors remain clean and inviting.

Is It Safe To Steam Clean Porcelain Tile Floors?

Steam cleaning porcelain tile floors can be safe, provided you follow precautions. Ensure tiles are sealed and in good condition. Check grout health, as steam might affect deteriorated grout. Use adjustable-temperature steam cleaners and avoid excessive heat or prolonged exposure.

Regular maintenance, like sweeping, reduces the need for intensive cleaning. When in doubt, consult tile and steam cleaner guidelines or seek professional advice.

Can You Use Bleach To Clean Stubborn Stains On Porcelain Tiles?

Using bleach on porcelain tiles for stubborn stains should be approached cautiously. It can damage tiles and grout due to its strong nature. Prioritize testing in an inconspicuous area, diluting it properly, and ensuring good ventilation. Wear protective gear and rinse thoroughly. Take bleach as a last resort after trying gentler methods, and consider seeking professional advice to prevent potential damage.

What Is The Best Way To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors?

The best way to clean porcelain tile floors is to start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose dirt and debris. Mix a solution of warm water and a mild detergent, or use a pH-neutral porcelain cleaner.

Apply the solution with a soft mop or cloth, ensuring not to use abrasive tools that may damage the tile. For stubborn stains, consider a non-abrasive cleaner suitable for porcelain surfaces. Thoroughly rinse the floor with clean water and dry it with a soft, absorbent cloth to prevent water spots.

Regular maintenance with a gentle cleaning routine will keep your porcelain tile floors looking clean and well-maintained.

What should I use To Clean Porcelain Tile Floor?

To clean a porcelain tile floor effectively, opt for a mixture of warm water and a mild detergent or a pH-neutral porcelain cleaner. Avoid acidic or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the tile’s surface.

Apply the cleaning solution with a soft mop or cloth, ensuring thorough coverage. For stubborn stains, consider using a non-abrasive cleaner specifically designed for porcelain. After cleaning, rinse the floor with clean water and dry it with a soft, absorbent cloth to prevent water spots.

Regularly maintaining your porcelain tile floor with a gentle cleaning solution will preserve its appearance and longevity.

Can I Steam Clean Porcelain Floor Tiles?

Yes, you can steam clean porcelain floor tiles, but it’s crucial to exercise caution. Ensure your tiles are in good condition and properly sealed before using a steam cleaner. Use a low to medium steam setting to prevent potential damage.

Avoid holding the steam cleaner in one spot for too long, as excessive heat and moisture could compromise the grout or even the tile surface. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for both the steam cleaner and the porcelain tiles. 

Regular use of a steam cleaner can effectively remove dirt and grime from porcelain tiles, providing a convenient and hygienic cleaning method when used appropriately.

Is It Okay To Clean Porcelain Tile Floors With Vinegar?

While vinegar is a natural cleaner, it’s not recommended for regular cleaning of porcelain tile floors. The acidity in vinegar can erode the finish and dull the surface over time.

For routine cleaning, opt for a mild detergent or a pH-neutral porcelain cleaner mixed with warm water. If faced with tough stains, use a non-abrasive cleaner specifically designed for porcelain. If you choose to use vinegar for occasional deep cleaning, dilute it with water and rinse the floor thoroughly afterward. 

However, to preserve the longevity and appearance of your porcelain tiles, it’s generally safer to stick to cleaners designed for this type of flooring.


Cleaning porcelain tile floors doesn’t have to be a daunting chore if you follow the right steps and use the appropriate cleaning materials. This guide discussed the overall process of how to clean porcelain tile floors effectively and quickly. Remember to address stains promptly and avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that could damage the tiles.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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