How To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring? [Easy Process]

How To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring

Vinyl plank flooring has become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners due to its durability, affordability, and aesthetics. One of the key advantages of vinyl plank flooring is its waterproof nature, making it ideal for spaces prone to moisture such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. However, like any type of flooring, it requires regular cleaning to maintain its pristine look and longevity. 

For waterproof vinyl plank care, gather supplies like a broom, gentle cleaner, and a microfiber mop. Clear debris, mop with care, tackle stains softly, rinse, and ensure thorough drying. Regular, gentle maintenance is key for lasting appeal.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process of how to clean waterproof vinyl plank flooring effectively and keep it looking brand new. So stay with me!

To start with the process of cleaning vinyl plank flooring waterproof, gather the materials listed below: 

  • Bucket
  • Warm water
  • Soft-bristle brush or mop
  • Broom or vacuum
  • Mild pH-balanced vinyl floor cleaner
  • Microfiber mop or soft cloth mop

Time: 30 Minutes To an Hour

Cost: Dollars 20 To 50

7 Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring: Easy Steps

Cleaning vinyl plank waterproof flooring is quite simple as it doesn’t get harmed by water exposure. With the right process, you can keep the beauty of waterproof vinyl flooring planks for ages. Here is a cleaning guide that you can follow. 

Step 1: Remove Dust and Debris

Start by sweeping the vinyl plank flooring with a broom or using a vacuum with a soft brush attachment. Removing dust, dirt, and debris is essential to prevent scratching during the cleaning process.

Step 2: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

In a bucket, mix warm water with a small amount of mild pH-balanced vinyl floor cleaner. Avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or excessive amounts of water, as they can damage the vinyl surface over time.

Step 3: Mop the Flooring

Dip the microfiber mop or soft cloth mop into the cleaning solution and wring it out well. Mop the vinyl plank flooring using gentle back-and-forth motions. Avoid using excessive water, as vinyl flooring is not completely waterproof beneath the planks. Rinse the mop frequently and change the cleaning solution if it becomes dirty.

Step 4: Address Stubborn Stains

For stubborn stains or spots, use a soft-bristle brush or mop attachment with the cleaning solution. Gently scrub the affected area, applying minimal pressure to avoid damaging the vinyl surface. Wipe away the stain and rinse the area with clean water.

Step 5: Rinse the Floor

Once you’ve finished mopping and spot-cleaning, rinse the flooring by mopping it with clean water. This step helps remove any residue from the cleaning solution and prevents a sticky or dull appearance.

Step 6: Dry the Flooring

After rinsing, use a dry, clean microfiber cloth to dry the vinyl plank flooring. Ensure that no water remains on the surface, as prolonged exposure to moisture can cause damage over time.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance

To keep your waterproof vinyl plank flooring looking its best, establish a regular cleaning routine. Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove loose dirt and debris daily, and mop with the mild cleaning solution on a weekly basis. Avoid using excessive water during routine cleaning.

9 Tips About How to Clean Coretec Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring:

Coretec luxury vinyl plank flooring is known for its stunning appearance and exceptional durability. To maintain its beauty and longevity, you need to clean vinyl plank flooring properly. Here are some valuable tips to help you effectively clean and care for your Coretec luxury vinyl plank flooring:

Luxury vinyl plank (LVP) flooring, such as Coretec, offers the perfect blend of aesthetics and durability. To keep it looking pristine, follow these cleaning tips:

1. Regular Sweeping or Vacuuming:

Dirt, dust, and debris can accumulate on the surface, potentially causing scratches over time. To prevent this, sweep or vacuum your Coretec LVP flooring daily or as needed. Use a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to avoid scratching.

2. Gentle Mopping:

For routine cleaning, opt for a damp mop using warm water. Avoid excessive moisture, as LVP is water-resistant but not completely waterproof underneath. Ensure the mop is well wrung to prevent water from seeping into the seams.

3. Use Manufacturer-Approved Cleaners:

Coretec often provides specific cleaning recommendations for their products. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for approved cleaning solutions. Generally, mild, pH-balanced vinyl floor cleaners work well. Avoid harsh chemicals that can strip the floor’s protective layer.

4. Tackle Spills Promptly:

Accidental spills can happen. Quickly clean up liquids with a dry cloth or paper towel. For stickier spills, dampen the cloth slightly and wipe gently. The sooner you address spills, the less likely they are to leave stains or damage.

5. Avoid Harsh Scrubbing:

When dealing with stains or tougher spots, use a soft-bristle brush or mop attachment along with the approved cleaning solution. Avoid harsh scrubbing, as it can wear down the flooring’s top layer.

6. Prevent Grit and Dirt:

Place doormats at entryways to trap dirt and grit from shoes. This minimizes the potential for scratches and helps keep your Coretec flooring cleaner for longer.

7. Use Felt Pads:

Furniture legs can cause scratches or dents. Attach felt pads to the bottom of furniture pieces to prevent direct contact between the furniture and the flooring.

8. Rotate Rugs and Furniture:

If you have area rugs or furniture in specific spots for an extended period, consider moving them occasionally. This prevents uneven fading due to prolonged sun exposure and reduces the chances of wear and tear in high-traffic areas.

9. Avoid Rubber and Non-Ventilated Mats:

While rugs or mats are useful, make sure they have non-abrasive, breathable backing. Rubber-backed or non-ventilated mats can trap moisture and potentially discolor or damage the vinyl planks.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Caring for Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring:

Caring for waterproof vinyl plank flooring is essential to maintain its appearance and longevity. However, there are common mistakes that homeowners should steer clear of to ensure their flooring remains in top condition. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to avoid when caring for your waterproof vinyl plank flooring:

1. Using Harsh Cleaning Agents:

One of the most significant mistakes is using abrasive or harsh cleaning solutions. Avoid products with high pH levels or strong chemicals, as they can damage the protective layer of the vinyl, leading to discoloration and a dull appearance.

2. Using Excessive Water:

Although waterproof, vinyl plank flooring is not impervious to moisture. Using excessive water or allowing water to pool on the surface can seep into the seams and edges, causing warping or swelling of the planks. Always wring out mops and dry the floor promptly.

3. Ignoring Manufacturer Recommendations:

Each brand of vinyl plank flooring may have specific care guidelines. Ignoring these recommendations, such as using the wrong cleaning products or techniques, can void warranties and potentially damage the flooring.

4. Neglecting Spills and Stains:

Leaving spills unattended can result in staining, particularly if the substance is acidic or pigmented. Promptly clean up spills and stains using approved methods to prevent long-term damage.

5. Using Rough Scrubbing Tools:

Scrubbing with abrasive brushes or scouring pads can scratch and mar the surface of the vinyl planks. Opt for soft-bristle brushes or mop attachments and use gentle pressure when dealing with stains.

6. Not Using Furniture Protectors:

Furniture legs can leave scratches or indentations on vinyl plank flooring. Attach felt or rubber pads to the bottom of furniture legs to prevent direct contact with the floor.

7. Using Incorrect Vacuum Attachments:

Vacuuming is an effective way to remove loose dirt, but using vacuum attachments with stiff bristles or beater bars can scratch the vinyl surface. Opt for a vacuum with a soft brush attachment.

8. Not Protecting Against Sunlight:

Direct and prolonged sunlight exposure can cause fading and discoloration in vinyl plank flooring. Use blinds, curtains, or UV-protective coatings to minimize sun damage.


Can I Use Any Cleaning Solution On My Vinyl Plank Flooring?

It’s recommended to use a mild, pH-balanced vinyl floor cleaner to avoid damaging the surface. Harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can strip away the protective layer and affect the appearance of the flooring over time.

How Often Should I Clean My Vinyl Plank Flooring?

For routine maintenance, sweep or vacuum daily to remove loose dirt and debris. Mop with a gentle cleaner on a weekly basis. Adjust the frequency based on foot traffic and usage.

Can I Use A Steam Mop On Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring?

It’s best to avoid steam mops as excessive heat and moisture can potentially damage the adhesive that holds the planks together. Stick to traditional mopping methods.

What Should I Do If I Spill A Liquid On The Vinyl Floor?

Quickly wipe up spills with a clean cloth to prevent moisture from seeping between the planks. This helps avoid potential damage to the subfloor.

Is There A Specific Mop I Should Use For Cleaning?

A microfiber mop or soft cloth mop is ideal for vinyl plank flooring as they are gentle on the surface and effectively picks up dirt without scratching.

Can I Use A Vacuum Cleaner With A Beater Brush Attachment On Vinyl Plank Floor?

It’s recommended to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to avoid scratching the flooring. Be cautious with beater brushes, as they can be too abrasive.

How Do I Remove Stubborn Stains Without Damaging The Vinyl Flooring?

Use a soft-bristle brush or a mop attachment with the cleaning solution. Gently scrub the stain, applying minimal pressure. Always rinse the area afterward.

What’s The Benefit Of Maintaining Vinyl Plank Flooring Regularly?

Regular maintenance not only keeps your flooring looking its best but also extends its lifespan. By preventing dirt buildup and potential damage, you’re ensuring long-term durability and attractiveness.


Cleaning waterproof vinyl plank flooring is a straightforward process that can help you maintain the beauty and longevity of your flooring investment. By following these simple steps on how to clean waterproof vinyl plank flooring, you can enjoy your vinyl plank flooring’s aesthetic appeal for years. 

Use mild cleaning solutions, avoid abrasive tools, and dry the floor to ensure your vinyl plank flooring remains a stunning asset to your home.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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