How To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Floors? [Easy Methods]

How To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Floors

Waterproof vinyl plank floors have gained immense popularity due to their durability, affordability, and aesthetics. These are commonly used in kitchens, bathrooms, and other high-moisture areas. Though they are water-resistant, knowing how to clean waterproof vinyl plank floors properly is crucial to maintaining their longevity and appearance. 

To clean vinyl waterproof plank flooring, start by sweeping or vacuuming to remove loose dirt. Next, mix mild soap with water and mop the floor gently. Lastly, rinse with clean water and then dry with a soft cloth to enjoy spotless vinyl floors.  

In this guide, we will talk about effectively and easily cleaning waterproof vinyl plank flooring to keep up its look and durability. Stay with me and keep reading to learn the tricks and tips!

Before moving on to the steps, here is a list of tools that you must have to clean vinyl flooring planks waterproof.

  • Warm water
  • Bucket
  • Soft cloths or microfiber towels
  • Broom or vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment
  • pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaner
  • Fiber mop or soft mop

Time: 30 Minutes to an Hour

How To Clean Vinyl Plank Waterproof Flooring: 6 Step-By-Step Process

Cleaning waterproof vinyl plank flooring is an easy task if you know the right steps. From years of experience, I have found the simplest of vinyl floor cleaning which I have shared below. 

Step 1: Remove Loose Debris

Start by sweeping or using a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris from the floor’s surface. This prevents scratching when you start mopping.

Step 2: Prepare the Cleaning Solution

Fill a bucket with warm water and add a recommended amount of mild pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaner. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions on the cleaner’s label for the appropriate dilution ratio.

Step 3: Mop the Floor

Dip your microfiber mop or soft mop into the cleaning solution. Wring out excess water to avoid oversaturating the floor. Mop the vinyl plank floor in sections, moving in gentle, back-and-forth motions. Remember not to use excessive water, as it can seep into the seams and cause damage.

Step 4: Address Stubborn Stains

For stubborn stains, such as food or ink, gently scrub the affected area using a soft cloth or microfiber towel dampened with the cleaning solution. Avoid abrasive scrubbers or harsh chemicals that can damage the vinyl’s protective layer.

Step 5: Rinse the Floor

After mopping, rinse the mop thoroughly and go over the floor again with clean, warm water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. This step helps prevent any residue buildup.

Step 6: Dry the Floor

Use dry, soft cloths or microfiber towels to gently dry the floor. Ensure there is no standing water left behind, especially in the seams between the vinyl planks.

10 Tips About How to Clean Lifeproof Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring

LifeProof vinyl plank flooring waterproof is renowned for its durability and water resistance. To ensure your floors maintain their pristine appearance, it’s essential to follow proper cleaning techniques. Here are some valuable tips to help you keep your LifeProof vinyl plank flooring looking its best:

1. Regular Sweeping or Vacuuming:

Begin by sweeping or using a vacuum with a soft brush attachment to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris. This prevents abrasive particles from scratching the surface during the cleaning process.

2. Choose the Right Cleaner:

Opt for a mild pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaner that is safe for use on LifeProof flooring. Avoid harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the floor’s protective layer.

3. Dilute the Cleaner:

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to dilute the vinyl floor cleaner with water as recommended. Using too much cleaner can leave a residue while using too little might not effectively clean the floor.

4. Gentle Mopping Technique:

Dip a microfiber mop or a soft mop into the diluted cleaning solution. Wring out excess water to prevent over-saturating the floor. Gently mop the vinyl plank floor in sections, moving in back-and-forth motions.

5. Addressing Stains:

For stubborn stains, dampen a soft cloth with the diluted cleaning solution and gently scrub the area. Avoid abrasive scrubbers or excessive pressure, which could damage the floor’s finish.

6. Rinse and Dry:

After mopping, rinse the mop thoroughly and go over the floor again with clean, warm water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Dry the floor using soft cloths or microfiber towels, ensuring no standing water is left behind.

7. Prevent Water Seepage:

While LifeProof flooring is water-resistant, excessive moisture can still seep into seams and cause issues over time. Always ensure the floor is thoroughly dried after cleaning.

8. Avoid Steam Cleaning:

Do not use steam mops on LifeProof vinyl plank flooring, as the high heat and moisture can potentially damage the floor’s integrity.

9. Use Entrance Mats:

Place mats at entryways to trap dirt and moisture from shoes, preventing them from being tracked onto the floor and causing unnecessary wear.

10. Protect Furniture Legs:

Attach felt pads or protective glides to the legs of furniture to prevent scratches and scuffs when moving or rearranging items.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Cleaning Waterproof Vinyl Plank Floors:

Cleaning waterproof vinyl plank floors is a straightforward task, but there are certain mistakes that can potentially damage their appearance and longevity. To ensure your floors remain in pristine condition, it’s important to steer clear of these common pitfalls:

1. Using Harsh Chemicals:

One of the biggest mistakes is using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners. These can strip away the protective layer of the vinyl, leaving it vulnerable to scratches, stains, and discoloration. Stick to mild pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaners to avoid damaging the surface.

2. Neglecting Regular Maintenance:

Failing to sweep or vacuum regularly can lead to dirt and debris accumulating on the floor. Over time, this can result in scratches and a dull appearance. Incorporate a weekly cleaning routine to prevent dirt buildup.

3. Skipping the Dilution Step:

When using a vinyl floor cleaner, it’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dilution. Using too much cleaner can leave behind a sticky residue while using too little might not effectively clean the floor.

4. Overusing Water:

Vinyl plank floors are water-resistant, not waterproof. Excessive moisture, especially when left to pool on the floor, can seep into the seams and cause damage over time. Use a damp mop, not a soaking wet one, to prevent water seepage.

5. Using Steam Mops:

Steam mops, while efficient on some surfaces, should be avoided for vinyl plank floors. The high heat and moisture from steam can weaken the adhesive that holds the planks together and potentially lead to warping or separation.

6. Ignoring Stains:

Allowing stains to sit on the floor without addressing them promptly can make them more difficult to remove later. Gentle cleaning with a soft cloth and the appropriate cleaning solution can prevent stains from becoming permanent.

7. Using Abrasive Tools:

Scouring pads, steel wool, and abrasive brushes should never be used on vinyl plank floors. These can scratch and damage the protective layer, leading to a compromised appearance.

8. Not Rinsing Properly:

After mopping, it’s important to rinse the floor with clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. Failing to do so can result in a dull, sticky residue on the surface.


What Is The Best Way To Clean Waterproof Vinyl Plank Flooring?

To clean waterproof vinyl plank flooring, begin by sweeping or vacuuming to remove debris. Then, mop using a mixture of mild soap and warm water. Avoid abrasive cleaners or excessive water. Gently scrub tough spots. Regular maintenance keeps the flooring looking pristine without compromising its waterproof qualities.

Can I Use A Regular Cleaner For Vinyl Plank Floors?

Using a mild pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaner is recommended to prevent damage to the protective layer of the vinyl. Harsh cleaners can strip away the finish and compromise the waterproof properties.

How Often Should I Clean My Vinyl Plank Floors?

It’s advisable to clean your floors weekly to prevent dirt buildup. In high-traffic areas, more frequent cleaning might be necessary to maintain their appearance.

Can I Use A Steam Mop On Vinyl Plank Floors?

It’s best to avoid steam mops as excessive moisture and heat can potentially damage the seams and the vinyl itself. Stick to gentle mopping methods to ensure longevity.

What If I Have Tough Stains On My Vinyl Plank Floors?

For stubborn stains, gently scrub the area using a soft cloth dampened with the cleaning solution. Avoid abrasive scrubbers to prevent scratching.

Is It Necessary To Rinse The Floor After Mopping?

Rinsing with clean water is important to remove any residue left by the cleaning solution. This helps maintain the floor’s appearance and prevents a sticky feeling.

Can I Use Vinegar To Clean My Vinyl Plank Floors?

It’s not recommended to use vinegar, as its acidic nature can deteriorate the protective layer of the vinyl over time. Stick to pH-neutral cleaners for safe maintenance.

Should I Use A Wax Or Polish On My Vinyl Floors?

Modern vinyl plank floors typically come with a protective layer that eliminates the need for wax or polish. Using such products can create a slippery surface and potentially damage the finish.

Can I Use A Rotating Brush Attachment On My Vacuum?

Avoid using rotating brush attachments on your vacuum, as they can scratch the surface of the vinyl. Instead, opt for a vacuum with a soft brush attachment or use a broom.

How Do I Prevent Scratches On My Vinyl Floors?

Place mats or rugs at entry points to trap dirt and prevent it from being dragged across the floor. Felt pads under furniture legs can also help prevent scratches.

How Do I Maintain The Shine Of My Vinyl Plank Floors?

Regular cleaning and avoiding abrasive tools or harsh chemicals will help maintain the shine of your vinyl floors. Preventing dirt buildup and stains is key to preserving their luster.


Knowing how to clean waterproof vinyl plank floors in the right way can help maintain their appearance and extend their lifespan. Regular maintenance, combined with periodic mopping using a mild pH-neutral vinyl floor cleaner, will keep your floors looking pristine. 

Now that you have all the tricks in your hand, go and clean to bring back the beauty of the vinyl plank floor!

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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