How To Deep Clean Wood Floors? [Be A Pro Today]

How To Deep Clean Wood Floors

Wood floors are a timeless and elegant addition to any home, adding warmth and character to the space. However, regular cleaning and maintenance are essential for their beauty and longevity. While routine sweeping and mopping can keep your wood floors looking presentable, a deep clean is necessary to remove stubborn dirt, grime, and stains that can accumulate over time. 

To deep clean wood floors, prepare the area, dry dust, use a gentle wood floor cleaner, mop section by section, wipe dry, and allow time to air dry. Optionally, apply wood floor polish for extra shine and protection. Regular deep cleaning ensures floor longevity.

This guide will take you through a step-by-step process to effectively deep clean your wood floors and restore their natural luster.


  • Vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment
  • Broom or dust mop
  • Microfiber mop or soft cloth mop
  • Bucket
  • pH-neutral wood floor cleaner
  • Warm water
  • Soft cloths or towels
  • White vinegar (optional)
  • Furniture pads or felt protectors


  • Bona
  • Method
  • Murphy’s Oil Soap
  • Black Diamond Stone Works
  • Swiffer
  • Rejuvenate
  • Libman


10-20 minute



8 Step-By-Step Process To Deep Cleaning Wood Floors:

Deep cleaning of wood floors is important to maintain their beauty and longevity. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you deep clean your wood floors effectively:

Step 1: Prepare The Area

Preparing the area properly is crucial before diving into the deep cleaning process. Remove all furniture, rugs, and any other items from the floor. This ensures that every inch of the wood floor is accessible for cleaning and prevents accidental damage to your belongings.

Step 2: Dry Dusting And Sweeping

Dry dusting and sweeping are the first steps to eliminate loose debris, dust, and pet hair from the wood floor’s surface. Utilize a soft-bristled broom or a microfiber dust mop to delicately sweep the floor, taking care to be mindful of any sharp or abrasive materials that could scratch the wood. Alternatively, a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment can yield the same results.

Step 3: Prepare A Gentle Wood Floor Cleaner

Now that the loose dirt has been removed, it’s time to prepare a suitable wood floor cleaner. Steer clear of using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners as they can harm the wood’s finish. Make your own DIY wood floor cleaner by mixing a few drops of gentle dish soap with warm water, or use a commercial wood floor cleaner tailored to the job. Be cautious not to create an overly soapy solution, as excess soap residue might lead to streaks on the floor.

Step 4: Test The Cleaner

Before applying the cleaner to the floor, performing a spot test in a discreet area is essential. This will ensure that the cleaner doesn’t cause any discoloration or damage to the wood. Apply a small amount of the cleaning solution to a hidden spot and wait for a few minutes to see if any adverse reactions occur.

Step 5: Mop The Wood Floors

Using a soft microfiber mop, dampen it with the prepared wood floor cleaner. Wring out any excess liquid to avoid saturating the wood, as excessive moisture can cause warping and damage. Work in small sections, gently mopping the floor in the direction of the wood grain. Pay special attention to any stubborn stains or spills, using a slightly more concentrated solution if necessary.

Step 6: Wipe Dry

After mopping a section, wiping the area dry immediately using a clean microfiber cloth is essential. This step prevents water from seeping into the wood and ensures a streak-free finish.

Step 7: Allow Drying Time

Once you’ve completed the entire floor, allow it to air dry for a few hours before walking on it or placing any furniture back. It’s best to avoid excessive foot traffic during this time to allow the wood to absorb the cleaning solution fully.

Step 8: Apply Wood Floor Polish (Optional)

If you want to give your wood floors an extra shine and protection, consider applying a wood floor polish or wax after completely drying them. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and ensure proper ventilation during this process.

7 Tips About How To Deep Clean Engineered Wood Floors:

Deep cleaning engineered wood floors are crucial to maintain their appearance and protect the top layer of natural wood veneer. Here are some valuable tips to help you achieve a successful deep clean:

1. Choose The Right Cleaning Products: 

Use a wood floor cleaner specifically designed for engineered wood floors. Avoid harsh chemicals, ammonia-based solutions, or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the wood veneer and the floor’s finish.

2. Test The Cleaner: 

Before applying any cleaner to the entire floor, conduct a spot test in an inconspicuous area to ensure it won’t cause discoloration or harm to the wood veneer.

3. Be Gentle With Scrubbing: 

For stubborn stains, avoid vigorous scrubbing, as it can wear down the wood veneer. Instead, let the cleaner sit on the stain for a few minutes to loosen it, then gently wipe it away.

4. Consider Avoiding Steam Cleaners: 

While some engineered wood floors may tolerate steam cleaning, avoiding using steam mops altogether is safer. The high heat and moisture can harm the wood veneer and compromise the floor’s integrity.

5. Use Rugs And Mats: 

Place rugs and mats in high-traffic areas and entryways to reduce dirt and debris tracked onto the floor. This helps protect the wood veneer from scratches and wear.

6. Avoid Furniture Sliding: 

When moving furniture, lift it instead of sliding it across the floor to prevent scratching and gouging the wood veneer.

7. Maintain A Regular Cleaning Schedule: 

Deep clean your engineered wood floors every 3 to 6 months, depending on foot traffic. In between, maintain a regular cleaning routine with gentle sweeping and mopping to preserve their beauty and longevity.

7 Mistakes To Avoid When Deep Cleaning A New House With Wood Floors:

Deep cleaning of a new house with wood floors requires careful attention to avoid common mistakes that could harm the pristine surfaces. Here are essential tips to ensure a successful deep cleaning process:

1. Skipping The Spot Test: 

Before using any cleaning solution on the wood floors, always conduct a spot test in an inconspicuous area to check for any adverse reactions. This will prevent potential discoloration or damage to the wood.

2. Chemical Harm: 

Using gentle, wood floor-specific cleaning products is crucial to maintain the beauty and longevity of your wood floors. Harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can strip the finish, damage the wood, or cause discoloration. Always opt for products specifically designed for wood floors and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper usage.

3. Overusing Water: 

Excess water can seep into the wood seams and cause swelling, warping, or cupping. Use a well-wrung damp mop and avoid soaking the floors during cleaning.

4. Ignoring Stains Promptly: 

Address stains promptly to prevent them from setting in and becoming more challenging to remove. Gentle cleaning solutions and a soft cloth can help tackle stains effectively.

5. Using Steam Cleaners: 

Avoid using steam cleaners on wood floors, especially in a new house. The high heat and moisture can damage the wood and compromise its finish.

6. Not Protecting Floors From Furniture: 

Place felt pads or furniture coasters under furniture legs to protect the wood floors from scratches caused by furniture movement.

7. Neglecting Area Rugs And Mats: 

Use area rugs and mats in high-traffic areas and entryways to prevent dirt and debris from being tracked onto the wood floors.


What Is The Best Way To Deep Clean Wood Floors?

The best way to deep clean wood floors is to prepare the area, dry dust, use a gentle wood floor cleaner, mop section by section, wipe dry, and allow time to air dry. Optionally, apply wood floor polish for extra shine and protection. Regular deep cleaning ensures floor longevity and preserves their natural beauty.

Do I Need To Deep Clean The Wood Floors?

Yes, deep cleaning of wood floors is essential for maintaining beauty and longevity. Regular sweeping and mopping only remove surface dirt, but deep cleaning is necessary to eliminate stubborn grime, stains, and bacteria that can accumulate over time. Deep cleaning helps restore the wood’s natural luster, prevents damage, and extends the life of your wood floors. It is recommended to deep clean wood floors every 3 to 6 months, depending on the level of foot traffic and dirt buildup in your home.

How Often Should I Deep Clean My Wood Floors?

Deep cleaning should be done every 3 to 6 months, depending on the foot traffic and level of dirt and grime. Regular sweeping and mopping should be done weekly to maintain cleanliness.

Is It Necessary To Remove Furniture Before Deep Cleaning?

Yes, removing furniture and rugs from the area before deep cleaning is essential to ensure that every inch of the wood floor is accessible and to prevent any accidental damage to your belongings.

Should I Wax My Wood Floors After Deep Cleaning?

Waxing is optional, but it can provide extra shine and protection. If you wax your wood floors, ensure they are scorched before application and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

How Do I Maintain The Shine After Deep Cleaning?

To maintain the shine, avoid harsh chemicals, and clean up spills promptly. Regularly dust and sweep the floors to prevent dirt buildup, which can dull the shine over time.


Deep cleaning of your wood floors is essential to regular maintenance to preserve natural beauty and durability. Following these step-by-step instructions and gentle cleaning solutions ensures that your wood floors remain stunning and inviting for years. 

Remember to clean up any spills promptly and maintain a regular cleaning schedule to extend the life of your cherished wood floors and enjoy their elegance in your home for generations.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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