How To Fix A Spin Mop Bucket? [Easy Way To Fix]

Nothing is more annoying than suddenly discovering a faulty spin mop bucket. Mopping the floor without them is cumbersome. As soon as you face this trouble, you may immediately be concerned about how to fix a spin mop bucket problem. 

Fixing or troubleshooting the spinner mop bucket or pedal depends on some facts. Sometimes the bucket may run out because of mechanical issues. Weather, the handle of the bucket may come off. The bucket often shattered to oscillate for the accumulated junk inside the ringer cap. Somewhere, the mop bucket itself ruined the crushed pedals. 

Luckily, there are some fixes that you can do by yourself at home. To introduce you to those mop repair tips, I have researched a lot and insist here on what may be conducted to tackle this situation.

7 Common Issues About A Spin Mop Bucket With Fixes

Let us see what type of(1) issue you may have about a spin mop bucket. And also, check out the ultimate spin mop troubleshooting, which I proclaimed here. 

Issue 1: The Pedal Is Freezing & Doesn’t Rotate The Drying Tub

The first issue you may face is the spin mop pedal is stuck and needs to rotate the drying tub. The pedal is the main thing in the spin mop bucket. When you press the pedals, the drying tub will be turned. Attaching the pedal with the spin mop bucket will make the work easier as they require less time and effort to operate. 

However, your bucket pedal has a personal gear that works to open and press it down. If this gear gets clogged or jammed by debris or fibers, it will stop rotating the bucket. Clogged or jammed dirt will also affect the spin mop mechanism. 

Fixes: In case of fixing the O-Cedar spin mop pedal gets stuck or broken, keep with you two things: lubricating sprays and a screwdriver. But, you may now ask, why use lubricating sprays? Lubricating sprays will work here to reduce the junk and keep the gears accessible to move the bucket. 

Now pick the screwdriver and separate all the parts one by one. Next, take a clean damp rug and clean the gear dirt. After cleaning it, spray the lubricating solution over there. Now let’s stay for a couple of hours and rearrange all the parts.

Issue 2: The Ringer Cap Is Getting Jammed Overtightened

The second reason behind the problem is that the ringer cap is jammed too tightly. It happens when the ringer cap is clogged by excessive dirt and fastens the mop head and handgrip. As a result, you won’t be able to rotate the mop and press the bucket. 

Fixes: To fix such an issue, you must maintain simple tricks. Just hold the lower part of the spin mop and the ringer cap. Then swirl it clockwise to free the ringer cap from the junk. Now let’s check if this trick works or not. But I assure you that you will notice that the mop head is spinning or moving freely after applying this.

Issue 3: The Mop Head Prevents The Absorbing Of Cleaning Solutions 

It is a standard spin mop problem for every homeowner. You will keenly notice that the spin mop head will be pulled off quickly after using it for one or two months. It depends on the mop head and the fabrics used by the manufacturer. 

Fixes: Mop head peel-off is a common issue that needs tiny things to do to fix it permanently. As it got damaged from continuous drying and wetting, you need to pick a new one. It’s because the older ones have already lost their fertility and durability.

Issue 4: The Spin Mop Basket Is Uprooted 

Uprooted or detached spin mop baskets are another issue that may offend you a lot. Your spin mop basket will be detached for clipping it improperly. But, again, it may also get separated by the accumulated junk, preventing the basket from rotating. 

Fixes: In case of cleaning the trash, gently remove the basket and start to launder it. However, lightly put it on the case once you’re done tidying up the entire bucket. Avoid giving extra push or pressure to fix it inside the bucket. Or else, the basket might be cracked or damaged, as it’s pretty vulnerable. 

In addition, make sure the basket is free of any broken pieces or clips. Double-check the basket. Otherwise, it may fail to spin appropriately.

Issue 5: The Mop Is Still Wet After Spin It

Your spin mop is still wet after flashing the water or spinning it regarding the filthy dirt. Sometimes, the accumulated junk that retains the mop water gets shattered completely. Sometimes, it usually happens when the mop is getting older or you will use it for around 5-6 months.

Fixes: Try to soak the mop with warm water after cleaning the floor or any particular areas. I like to mix soap or detergent into the water. Then gently rub the mop bristles to cleanse off the dirt. You won’t believe how effectively it will vanish all the dirt and give you extreme output from subsequent use.

Issue 6: The Mop Pole Doesn’t Spin/Rotate 

One of the common issues is that if you’re using a rotary mop, you may fall because the pole didn’t spin. Usually, it will often mess up with the rotating norms of foreign mechanisms. 

Fixes: The quickest way to fix this rotating mop and bucket problem is to use any lubricating ingredients. I usually like to use olive oil or WD-40. You may now wonder what a WD-40 is! It is a lubricating spray used to lubricate junk or clogged areas. 

Is it safe to use, as WD-40 doesn’t bear harsh chemicals? You can use the oil or any penetrating oil instead of this. But remember to unscrew the parts at the beginning of your preparation.

Issue 7: The Foot Pedal Doesn’t Return To Its Position After Pressing

Sometimes, the foot pedal doesn’t return, but the water bucket runs. This problem mainly happens with the ruler strip. The frequent use of ruler strips will prevent the foot pedal from returning to its position.

Meanwhile, the pressing button will work very well. On the other hand, if the ruler strip friction isn’t working, it may happen during usage.

Fixes: The most straightforward solution is to remove the ruler strips from the mechanism. Cut off the strips with the knife and ensure that it will be divided into six or seven teeth on its back. Then join the divided parts to increase the space between the two sides. 

10 Useful Tips To Maintain A Spin Mop Bucket That Works 

It is a firm belief that maintaining the spin mop bucket with extra care will last longer without any difficulties. So there are only so many benefits besides correctly keeping the spin mop bucket.

Follow the below guidelines to maintain the spin mop bucket and save it from any unwanted inconvenience. 

Tip 1: Learn To Drive The Spin Mop Properly

I know you have already learned many things about this. But I don’t mean that you only learn about running properly. Many people need help to unlock and lock the spin mop correctly. For instance, the topspin mop has a locking mechanism on the handle. While you’re going to rinse or spin something, this might be unlocked. In the meantime, lock the handle during the mopping period. Never avoid maintaining this.

Tip 2: Before Start Mopping, Dismiss All The Solid Stubborn.

Before you start mopping, you need to clean all sorts of solid stubbornness. It’s a great thing that many experts advise us to do. It will be better if you vacuum-clean the entire area after mopping. Finish your work by discarding all the rubbish like human and pet hair, plastic cans, etc.

Tip 3: Angle The Mop About 45-90 Degree

Always hold the mop about 45 degrees whenever you’re sweeping the floor. These are general tips for saving your mopping bristles. If you maintain the rules and strictly obey these rules, your floor will be cleaned easily.

Hold the mop straight and keep it around 45-90 degrees. Again, the mop may stop spinning after applying these norms. In that case, be aware that you’ve unlocked the handle and hold it by standing up straight.

Tip 4: Spin The Heck Out Of The Mop Before Cleaning Any Hardwood Floor

Hardwood floors usually come with high-end polishing and sealing. If you use their normal water, it can stick with the sealer. Try to apply any lubricants or spin the heck out of the mop before cleaning any hardwood floor.

Tip 5: Clean The Mop every time You’re Using It 

Try to clean the mop every time you’re going to use it. Otherwise, it may get clogged by dirt and dusty mop water. Besides this, take a step to clean the mop every weekend by separating all the parts. Then join them all together.

Tip 6: Allow It To Dry Completely & Replace The Mop Head If Needed 

Let your cleaning hazard free and allow it to dry completely. Be aware that the mop head is dried before storing it outside to prevent bacterial growth. Wring the spin mop head out as much as possible by you. 

Don’t worry about changing the mop head if it is destroyed or damaged. Spin mop heads are available in separate sections. So you can quickly grab them from any retail shop.

Tip 7: Never Fold The Spin Mop Unknowingly 

Avoid folding the spin mop unknowingly. It is embarrassing, and you may damage the mop head most of the time. Instead, choose a place where you can hang it properly. 

Tip 8: Clean The Mop Bucket Regularly & Disinfect It Monthly 

Cleaning the mop bucket regularly is a way to reduce the tendency to change it frequently. Another benefit you will get here is it will prevent accidents. And you already know how terrible it will be to pull back the pedal to move. 

This is why you should try to clean the mop bucket after you’ve finished washing the floor. Take a regular bucket, fill it with clean water, and add the dishwasher liquids. Mix the solutions and rinse the mop bucket with this thoroughly.

To disinfect the mop bucket monthly, use one gallon of warm water, and add 5-6 drops of dishwasher soap. Stir it well and rinse the bucket once. By this, your mop bucket will be deep cleaned. 

Tip 9: Filled The Bucket With Less Water 

Try to fill the spin mop bucket with less water. Filling the bucket with excessive water may leak the bucket shield. To minimize the water amount, begin your mop from the kitchen because you might need more water to clean the kitchen except for the other room. Before cleaning, use a clean rag, and don’t place it on high areas during the mop. 

Tip 10: Apply Lubricants Onto The Metal Parts 

Remember to apply lubricating oil or spray it over the metal parts of the bucket. It plays a vital role in rotating the bucket without any hassle. You amused yourself after you applied these tricks. Metal parts of the bucket usually get rusted, creating corrosion among the other components. Applying lubrication will reduce those drawbacks.

How to Remove Mop Head From o Cedar Spin Mop?

Removing the mop head from an O-Cedar spin mop is a simple process. Before you begin, ensure the mop head is clean to prevent any mess or contamination. Look for the mop head locking mechanism, often positioned near the base of the mop handle. 

This mechanism could be in the form of a button, lever, or latch. Depress or lift it to disengage the lock. Once unlocked, you can easily pull the mop head off the handle. 

This allows for convenient mop head replacement, cleaning, or storage, ensuring your mop remains effective and hygienic for future use.

How to Use The O’cedar Mop Bucket?

The O-Cedar mop bucket, known for its durability and user-friendly design, simplifies the mopping process. Fill the bucket with water and a mild floor cleaner, following the manufacturer’s instructions. 

After attaching the microfiber mop head to the handle and soaking it in the water, use the foot pedal to activate the wringer and control the dampness level. Employ a figure-eight or back-and-forth motion to clean the floor, regularly returning to the bucket to rinse and wring out the mop head as needed.

Once finished, rinse and dry the mop head and empty the bucket, leaving your floors spotless and gleaming with minimal effort.

How Many Gallons is a Spin Mop Bucket?

The capacity of a spin mop bucket can vary depending on the brand and model. Typically, spin o cedar mop buckets have a capacity in the range of 2 to 5 gallons (7.6 to 18.9 liters). 

The most common capacity is around 3 gallons (11.4 liters). This size is generally sufficient for most household cleaning tasks, allowing you to clean multiple rooms or areas before needing to refill the bucket. 

However, for larger cleaning projects or commercial use, some spin mop systems offer larger buckets with capacities closer to 5 gallons. It’s important to check the specifications of the specific spin mop with the bucket you are using to know its exact capacity.

How to Fix Hurricane Spin Mop Bucket?

Fixing a Hurricane Spin Mop bucket depends on the specific issue you’re facing. If the bucket is cracked or damaged, it’s challenging to repair effectively. In such cases, consider purchasing a replacement bucket. 

If the issue is with the built-in spinner mechanism, ensure there are no debris or tangled fibers hindering its function. Clean it thoroughly and lubricate moving parts with a silicone-based lubricant. 

For any mechanical issues, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or contact their customer support for guidance on potential repairs or replacement parts. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and drying the bucket after use, can help extend its lifespan and reduce the need for repairs.

Related Question:

How Often Should You Replace The Spin Mop Head?

You should replace the spin mop head after every two to three months. After that, it relies upon your needs. You can change the mop head if it is unsafe to use. Again, replace the spin mop head if this is too crazy and damaged. 

However, it will last longer if you know how to use a spin mop and bucket properly. But on the other hand, the spin mop head must be changed if it cannot be used.  

How Do You Remove A Mop Handle?

Changing a mop handle is quite easy. To remove the spin mop heading for washing, keep the mop over the floor. Unscrew the joints using a screwdriver. Circulate the mop head anti-clockwise, and put off the side lock button. Remove the mop brush or cloth from the mop head. Then separate the mop handle from its base.  

Why Isn’t Your Spin Mop Working?

Your spin mop is not spinning for two reasons. One of them is a clogged wringer cap. It is a common problem in almost every spin mop bucket. The mopping dirt will enter the cap and hoard them as dusty junk. 

Another reason behind its back is a dirty drying tub. It retains the spin mop to spin or move properly. A vicious drying tub also impacts the spin mop handle too. 

What To Do When A Spin Mop Stops Working Or Spinning? 

Hold the spin mop grip and ringer cap together whenever you’re in such a situation. Then gently rotate them in a clockwise direction. This act will help you overcome the problem whenever you’re revolving the mop head to push it down into the floor.

During your mopping period, it is common to experience this problem. Using your spin mop to clean commercial areas or heavy-duty dirt may suddenly stop spinning. Again, it may stop spinning because of any faulty mechanism.

How Long Does Spin Mop Last?

Spin mop typically can last more than a year or less than six months. But it only depends on how often you care for this bucket. Cleaning the spin mop after finishing the job every time is a good way to increase its longevity. 

Besides this, use it carefully. Store this mop tool in the right place. Spin mop may last 2-3 years unpredictably if properly maintained. 

How To Know If Your Spin Mop Bucket Is Damaged? 

Almost every spin mop bucket comes with a similar mechanism. If your bucket is too filthy or damaged, try to find out as early as possible. First, check the bucket floor to detect anything that seems wrong with you. Besides this, see if the bucket handle is coming off the basket.

This is a request for metal mop parts. Also, don’t forget to check out the screws, joints, etc. This action will help you to detect the concerns literally.

How To Fix Spin Mop Handle?

The spin mop handle often breaks, making it difficult for users to clean the floor. However, the spin mop stick repair is easy and does not require much trouble. If the spin mop handle is broken, you can easily replace it with a new one. Then, remove the tiny pieces of the handle to ensure that the new one fits perfectly. 

In case the handle breaks without any tiny pieces, you can put it back together. You can easily find O-Cedar mop bucket replacement parts. Use a top-quality superglue that works with plastic, and put the pieces together. Keep it in a dry place and let the adhesive dry completely. 

How To Fix Spin Mop Bucket Wringer?

The spin mop bucket wringer is an essential part of the product. If anything is wrong with this part, the mop will not be able to spin properly. This usually happens when the spin mop wringer cap is too tight. However, the solution to the problem is extremely simple. 

To fix the spin mop bucket, lift the mop in your hands and grab the lower part of the product. Then, simply rotate the wringer clockwise to free the mechanism. This will make sure that the spin mop works properly. 

Why Does The Hurricane Spin Mop Break?

The Hurricane spin mop is a top-quality product in the industry right now. However, like all similar items in the market, this one also breaks for quite a few reasons. The most common reasons are a detached basket, the mop not spinning, the pedals not working, and many more. 

But all these problems can be solved easily if you have the proper tools and ideas. So, before throwing the spin mop away, make sure that you try to repair it. 

How To Fix Spin Mop Pedal?

Currently, almost all spin mops come with pedals. The purpose of the pedals is to press and rotate the drying tub to save time and effort. However, gears inside the tub accumulate dirt, debris, and so on. You can easily fix the issue with the help of a screwdriver and WD-40 spray. 

Turn the bucket upside down and unscrew the screws. Keep the screws in a safe place and clean the gears properly. Next, remove all dirt, debris, etc., from the surface and spray the gears with WD-40. Lastly, place the screws back in and check the pedals. 

Can You Wash The O’cedar Mop Head?

Yes, you can wash the O-Cedar mop head. O-Cedar mop heads, particularly those used in the EasyWring Spin Mop and Bucket System, are typically made from microfiber material. To clean the mop head, first, remove it from the mop handle. Most O-Cedar mop heads are machine washable. Check the care label for specific washing instructions, but generally, you can wash it in cold or warm water with a mild detergent. Avoid using bleach or fabric softeners, as they can damage the microfiber. 

After washing, allow the mop head to air dry completely before reattaching it to the mop handle to maintain its cleaning effectiveness.

What is the Best Spin Mop and Bucket?

The best spin mop and bucket combination depends on several factors, including individual needs, preferences, and budget. The O-Cedar EasyWring Spin Mop and Bucket System is widely regarded for its efficient hands-free wringing and splash guard, making it ideal for various floor types. 

Another popular choice is the Twist and Shout Mop and Bucket System, known for its 180-degree swivel and efficient mop head design. Additionally, the Mopnado Stainless Steel Deluxe Rolling o cedar spin mop and bucket offers durability with its stainless steel construction and soap dispenser. 

Assessing specific requirements and considering factors like mop head material, bucket capacity, and ease of use helps in determining the best option.

Which is the Best Spin Mop?

The best spin mop can vary depending on your specific needs, but several popular and highly-rated options are often considered top choices. The O-Cedar EasyWring Spin Mop and Bucket System is a favorite for its effective cleaning, hands-free wringing, and durability. 

The Mopnado Stainless Steel Deluxe Rolling Spin Mop and Bucket offers versatility with its swiveling head, soap dispenser, and sturdy construction. Additionally, the Twist and Shout Mop is known for its user-friendly design and efficient wringing mechanism. 

Ultimately, the best spin mop for you depends on your preferences, budget, and the type of flooring you’ll be cleaning. It’s advisable to read reviews, consider your specific needs, and choose accordingly.

What cleaner to use with a spin mop?

When using a spin mop, it’s generally best to use a mild, pH-neutral, and non-abrasive floor cleaner. Many spin mop manufacturers provide specific recommendations for cleaning solutions, and it’s wise to follow their guidance. 

However, if you don’t have a manufacturer’s recommendation, a mixture of warm water and a few drops of a gentle, all-purpose floor cleaner can work well. Be cautious about using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, as they can damage the mop head and your flooring. 

Additionally, always read the label instructions of any cleaner you plan to use to ensure compatibility with your flooring type, whether it’s hardwood, tile, laminate, or another material.

What is The Best Spin Mop and Bucket?

The best spin mop and bucket can vary depending on your specific needs, but one highly regarded option is the O-Cedar EasyWring Spin Mop and Bucket System. This mop features a foot-activated wringer for easy hands-free wringing, and the microfiber mop head effectively cleans floors. 

The bucket has a splash guard to keep water inside, and the handle is adjustable to your preferred height. Another excellent choice is the Mopnado Stainless Steel Deluxe Rolling Spin Mop and Bucket. 

It offers durable construction, a 180-degree swiveling mop head, and a built-in soap dispenser. Ultimately, the best spin mop and bucket for you will depend on your preferences, budget, and specific cleaning requirements.

Final Wrap: 

A faulty or damaged spin mop bucket is unexpected as it will leave water everywhere during the working period. However, in most cases, fixing a spin mop bucket issue is quite easy. They only require some general mechanisms, quick fixes, and also cleaning of the dirt inside the pedal, ring cap, etc. So don’t be panicked so much if you can’t fix it on your first attempt.

Try your best to solve the issues. All the processes I mentioned above may need half an hour. After that, you can have this all done.


  1. Aliz, D. (2021, May 11). Common Spin Mop Problems And Their Solutions. Upscale Living Magazine. Retrieved December 21, 2022, from

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

7 thoughts on “How To Fix A Spin Mop Bucket? [Easy Way To Fix]

  1. Pingback: Repairing A Linoleum Floor: The Easiest And Effective Way
  2. Pingback: Libman Spin Mop VS O-Cedar: Which Is The Best?
  3. I have a roto spun mop when I ring out the mop by pushing the mop up and down in the basket I stop to take the mop out of basket the basket comes out.How do I fix the basket?

  4. My problem is the mop will not tilt The Revolution Microfiber Spin Mop System when I am using it to mop the floor. Am I missing a part? Have I assembled it incorrectly? Help is most appreciated. I’m ready to return it!!

    1. The top of the spin bucket is broken , cracked , so the mop doesn’t spin properly . Can that piece be replaced ?

      1. It depends on the specific brand and model of spin bucket you are using. Some spin buckets have replaceable parts that can be purchased separately, while others may require a full replacement of the entire bucket.

        To find out if the broken part can be replaced, you may want to check the manufacturer’s website or contact their customer support for assistance. Alternatively, you can also try searching for replacement parts online or at your local home improvement or hardware store.

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