How To Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring? [A Complete Guide]

How To Fix Scratches In Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring has gained immense popularity for its durability, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. However, despite its resilience, scratches can occasionally mar its smooth surface. These scratches might be the result of moving furniture, dragging heavy objects, or even sharp pet nails. The good news is that you don’t need to replace the entire flooring and restore its pristine appearance if you learn how to fix scratches in vinyl flooring. 

To repair scratches in vinyl flooring, gather materials like mild soap, sandpaper, a vinyl repair kit, and clear sealant. Clean and sand the scratch, apply filler, smooth the area, and seal with clear vinyl. Allow proper curing time for a seamless, restored floor.

In this article, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process to tackle this common issue. Keep reading and figure out the way to fix the scratched vinyl wood floor.

To fix vinyl floor scratches, you need some tools and materials first. Here is a list. 

  • Clean Cloth: To wipe the area around the scratch and ensure it’s free from dust and debris.
  • Warm Water: For cleaning the scratched area.
  • Soft Cloth or Sponge: For applying the vinyl repair solution.
  • Wax Paper: To cover the repaired area while the solution dries.
  • Mild Soap: To clean the surface. 
  • Fine-grit Sandpaper: Choose fine-grit sandpaper, around 220-320 grit, to gently sand down the scratch.
  • Vinyl Floor Repair Kit: This kit usually includes a filler solution that matches your 
  • Vinyl flooring’s color and a putty knife: For application.
  • Clear Vinyl Sealant: To provide a protective layer over the repaired area.

Time: A Few Hours

Cost: Dollars 30 To 70

5 Step-by-Step Guide to Repairing Scratches in Vinyl Flooring:

It is important to fix scratches on the vinyl floor to keep the shine and aesthetics of it. While it may sound difficult, there are easy ways to fix it. In this guide, you will find the steps involved in a vinyl floor scratch fix.

Step 1: Clean the Area

Before you begin any repairs, ensure that the scratched area is clean. Use a clean cloth and warm water with mild soap to gently clean the surface around the scratch. This will remove any dirt, dust, or grime that could interfere with the repair process.

Step 2: Sand the Scratch

Take the fine-grit sandpaper and gently sand the scratched area. This will help to smooth out any rough edges and prepare the surface for the vinyl filler. Be cautious not to over-sand, as this can create more damage. Once the scratch feels smoother to the touch, wipe away any sanding residue.

Step 3: Apply the Vinyl Filler

Follow the instructions on the vinyl floor repair kit. Usually, this involves applying the filler solution to the scratch using a putty knife. Spread the filler evenly and make sure it’s level with the surrounding flooring. Allow it to dry for the recommended time.

Step 4: Smooth and Seal

Once the filler has dried, use the fine-grit sandpaper again to gently smooth the filled area until it’s flush with the rest of the floor. Wipe away any dust and debris. Next, apply a clear vinyl sealant over the repaired area. This will protect the repair and ensure it blends seamlessly with the rest of the floor.

Step 5: Allow Time to Cure

Cover the repaired area with a piece of wax paper and allow the vinyl filler and sealant to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This will ensure the repair sets properly and can withstand regular foot traffic.

7 Tips About How to Fix Deep Scratches in Vinyl Flooring: Best Tips

Vinyl flooring is known for its durability, but deep scratches can sometimes mar its surface. These types of scratches can be more challenging to repair than superficial ones, but with the right approach and tools, you can restore your vinyl flooring to its former glory. Here are some detailed tips to help you fix deep scratches effectively:

1. Assess the Damage

Begin by assessing the depth and extent of the scratch. Deep scratches can expose the core layer of the vinyl, making repairs a bit more involved. If the scratch is too severe, it might be wise to consult a professional.

2. Fill the Scratch

Using the filler from the repair kit, carefully apply it to the deep scratch. Ensure that the filler is evenly distributed and slightly overfilled to account for any settling that might occur during drying.

3. Allow for Proper Drying

Deep scratches might need a longer drying time. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the repair kit for the recommended drying time. It’s essential to be patient to allow the filler to cure adequately.

4. Sand and Blend

Once the filler is completely dry, gently sand the repaired area to create a smooth and even surface. Be cautious not to damage the surrounding vinyl. The goal is to make the repair as inconspicuous as possible.

5. Apply a Protective Sealant

To ensure the longevity of the repair, apply a clear vinyl sealant over the sanded area. This protective layer not only enhances the appearance of the repair but also guards against future damage.

6. Blend with Surroundings

Deep scratches may require some extra effort to blend seamlessly. If the color doesn’t match perfectly, consider using a colored marker or vinyl dye to achieve a more cohesive appearance.

7. Regular Maintenance

After repairing deep scratches, continue practicing proper maintenance to prevent future damage. Use rugs or furniture pads to protect high-traffic areas, and avoid dragging heavy objects across the floor.

8 Mistakes to Avoid When Fixing Scratches on Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring:

Luxury vinyl plank (LVP) flooring has gained popularity for its durability and visual appeal. When it comes to fixing scratches on this type of flooring, it’s essential to approach the process with care. Avoiding common mistakes can ensure that your repairs are effective and seamless. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to steer clear of when fixing scratches on luxury vinyl plank flooring:

1. Using Incorrect Repair Products

Mistake: Using generic or mismatched repair products that aren’t designed for luxury vinyl planks can result in poor color matching and subpar repair quality.

Solution: Invest in a high-quality vinyl floor repair kit specifically formulated for luxury vinyl plank flooring. These kits often include color-matched filler and sealant for a professional finish.

2. Skipping Proper Cleaning

Mistake: Neglecting to clean the scratched area thoroughly can lead to poor adhesion of the repair materials.

Solution: Clean the scratched area using a gentle cleaner and a soft cloth. Ensure the surface is free from dust, debris, and residues before attempting any repairs.

3. Overlooking Color Matching

Mistake: Failing to match the color of the repair materials with your luxury vinyl plank flooring can result in a noticeable and unattractive repair patch.

Solution: Choose a repair kit that offers color options or mix custom shades to match your flooring’s color. Test the color on a small inconspicuous area before applying it to the scratch.

4. Applying Too Much Filler

Mistake: Overapplying filler can create an uneven surface and make the scratch repair more obvious.

Solution: Apply the filler in thin layers, gradually building it up to level the scratch with the surrounding area. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper application.

5. Rushing the Drying Process

Mistake: Not allowing sufficient drying time for the filler and sealant can compromise the repair’s durability.

Solution: Follow the recommended drying times mentioned in the repair kit’s instructions. Be patient and give the materials ample time to cure before exposing the repaired area to foot traffic.

6. Neglecting Sanding and Smoothing

Mistake: Skipping the sanding and smoothing step can leave the repair feeling rough and inconsistent with the rest of the flooring.

Solution: After the filler has dried, gently sand the repaired area to achieve a smooth finish. Use fine-grit sandpaper and avoid excessive pressure.

7. Applying Excessive Pressure

Mistake: Applying too much pressure during the repair process can damage the surrounding vinyl and make the scratch stand out more.

Solution: Use a gentle touch when applying filler, smoothing, and sanding. Let the tools do the work, and avoid pressing too hard.

8. Not Using Protective Sealant

Mistake: Neglecting to apply a clear vinyl sealant over the repaired area can leave it vulnerable to future damage.

Solution: Apply a clear sealant according to the repair kit’s instructions. This protective layer helps safeguard the repair and maintain its appearance over time.


Can You Fix Scratches In Luxury Vinyl Flooring?

Yes, you can fix scratches in luxury vinyl flooring. Scratches on luxury vinyl flooring can be repaired using specialized vinyl floor repair kits. These kits typically include color-matched filler and sealant that are designed to blend seamlessly with the luxury vinyl plank’s appearance.

The process involves cleaning the scratched area, applying the filler to level the scratch, sanding and smoothing the repaired area, and finally applying a clear sealant for protection. 

Can You Fix Scratches In Vinyl Plank Flooring?

Yes, scratches in the vinyl plank flooring can be fixed. You can repair scratches in vinyl plank flooring using a vinyl floor repair kit. These kits contain filler material that matches the color of the vinyl plank, a putty knife for application, and sometimes a clear sealant for protection. The process involves cleaning the scratched area, applying the filler to level the scratch, allowing it to dry, and then optionally applying a sealant for added durability. 

Can I Fix Deep Scratches On My Vinyl Flooring Myself?

Yes, you can repair deep scratches yourself using a vinyl floor repair kit. These kits typically include a filler solution that can help level out the scratch, followed by a clear sealant for protection.

How Long Does The Vinyl Scratch Repair Process Take?

The repair time varies based on the extent of damage and your familiarity with the process. On average, allocate a few hours for cleaning, sanding, applying the filler, smoothing, and allowing proper curing time for the sealant.

Will The Repair on the Vinyl Scratch Be Noticeable?

With careful application and smoothing, the repair can blend well with the rest of the floor. Clear sealant helps minimize visibility. Proper technique ensures a seamless finish.

What If I Don’t Have A Vinyl Floor Repair Kit?

A vinyl floor repair kit is recommended for the best results, as it includes color-matched filler and sealant. Without it, you might struggle to match colors and achieve a professional finish.

Can I Use Household Items To Fix Vinyl Floor Scratches?

While it’s possible to improvise with household items, specialized vinyl repair products offer the best outcome. Using unsuitable materials may result in a less durable or noticeable repair.

Is Sanding Necessary Before Fixing Vinyl Scratches?

Sanding helps smooth rough edges and prepares the scratch for the filler. It’s a crucial step to ensure the filler adheres properly and results in a leveled surface.

Can I Walk On The Repaired Vinyl Area Immediately After The Repair?

It’s recommended to allow proper curing time for the filler and sealant, as specified in their instructions. This ensures the repair is strong enough to withstand regular foot traffic.

Will The Repair Hold Up Against Future Wear And Tear?

When done correctly, a well-applied repair should hold up well against regular wear and tear. However, avoid dragging heavy objects or causing excessive stress on the repaired area.

What If I Need To Fix Multiple Scratches?

If you have multiple scratches, follow the same process for each one. Take your time to ensure each repair is done meticulously to achieve consistent results.

Can I Prevent Future Scratches on Vinyl Flooring?

To prevent future scratches, use furniture pads, avoid dragging heavy items, and keep pet nails trimmed. Regularly cleaning your vinyl floor and promptly addressing any potential sources of scratching can help maintain its appearance.


Scratches in vinyl flooring might be inevitable, but they don’t have to be permanent eyesores. With the right materials and knowing how to fix scratches in vinyl flooring, you can restore your vinyl flooring to its former glory. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to fix scratches in your vinyl flooring and enjoy its beauty and durability for years to come.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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