How To Get Baking Soda Out Of A Carpet? [Best 5 Solutions]

Get Baking Soda Out Of A Carpet

Baking soda is a popular agent for cleaning carpets. In fact, it is extremely effective in cleaning out spills, grease, and dirt. It also removes odor from the carpet, kills germs, and freshens the carpet. But the problem appears when you need to remove it. Cleaning the baking soda powder from the carpet fibers and base becomes difficult as they eventually settle on it. 

Though it may sound impossible, there are many effective ways of getting baking soda out of the carpet. This not only removes the baking soda but deeply cleanses the carpet at the same time. Here are some methods for removing baking soda stuck in carpets.

From my experience and studies, I have come up with the 5 best ways of getting baking soda out of a carpet. Though there are a few more solutions, these are the most useful ones. Excited to know the solutions? Scroll down to explore more.

5 Solutions To Get Baking Soda Out Of A Carpet: The Best Solutions

As said before, I have handpicked the best remedies for this problem that have proven effective. Moreover, these methods are not only effective but also easy to apply. So, without further discussion, let’s move to the solutions. 

Here are the 5 best ways to get baking soda out of a carpet: 


Solution 1: Treat With White Vinegar

Vinegar is known for its magical cleansing qualities. Just like it can clean many surfaces and remove layers, it is also very effective on baking soda. Not only does it remove the baking soda residues, but it cleanses the stains and odor too. So it always comes first in my favorites list of cleansers. And in this case, this has again proven to be effective.

Here are the steps for removing baking soda from the carpet: 

  • Safety first! Put on hand gloves, goggles, and face mask before you work on this project;
  • Next, take a bowl half-full with lukewarm water. Now mix white vinegar with it and fill the other half. Stir it well to make a fine solution;
  • Dip a sponge filled with the solution in the bowl. Use that wet sponge on the affected area and let it get absorbed. The vinegar will slowly dissolve the baking soda residues and for that, wait for 5- 10 minutes; 
  • Next, take a very soft toothbrush and rub the area gently and slowly in circular motions; 
  • In the end, use a paper towel or clean cloth to clean up baking soda residue. Try not to rub the area too much, as it can damage the fibers;
  • Don’t forget to dry the area properly with a hairdryer or by maintaining proper ventilation.

You can also spray diluted vinegar directly on the affected area and wait for it to dissolve the baking soda. Next, blot it with a sponge and gently scrub it with a toothbrush. Then clean it with a paper towel and leave it to dry. 

This process is effective in removing baking soda as well as in cleaning out stains and odors. 


Solution 2: Use Detergent

Even a mild detergent can be used to remove the baking soda from a carpet. But make sure to choose a mild detergent as it won’t harm the carpet fibers much. In that case, using a dishwashing liquid can be a safe option. Of course, you can also use any liquid detergent that is mild and non-abrasive. 

Using detergent on the carpet follows the same procedure as applying vinegar. Here are the steps: 

  • Mix warm water and 5- 7 drops of liquid detergent in a spraying bottle. Then shake the bottle well, so the mixture turns into a smooth lather. As the bubble appears, the lather is ready to use; 
  • Now wet the affected area with the mixture. Spray an adequate amount of the mixture on the baking soda so that it gets wet properly. Now, wait 5 minutes for the detergent to work on the baking soda. It will slowly soften the baking soda and loosen them from the carpet fibers; 
  • After 5 minutes, slowly rub the area with a very soft toothbrush. Go in circular motions. The lather will slowly take out the baking soda from the carpet fibers;
  • Then blot up the wet area with a cloth or paper towel. You can rub it slightly to remove the excess water from the carpet. If you see any residue of the detergent or lather, wet a cloth and wipe it away from the carpet; 
  • Repeat the steps several times if you want a clean and fresh carpet. 
  • Then dry the carpet with a dryer. This will make the carpet fibers silky and smooth; 

This is also a good way of removing baking soda from the carpet. Though it may not clean old stains, it will surely clean out the baking soda. So on fresh spills, you can use it. 


Solution 3: Try Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is very similar to white vinegar as it has citric acid. If you don’t have white vinegar at home, lemon juice is a perfect alternative. Lemon juice dissolves baking soda on the carpet and makes it soft. Then you can clean it out easily as it is no longer sticking into the fibers. 

Let’s have a look into the process of applying lemon juice to baking soda: 

  • Take a cup of warm water in a spraying bottle. Mix half a cup of pure lemon juice and shake the bottle. Make sure they mix well; 
  • Now directly spray diluted lemon juice all over the affected area. Make it wet enough to ensure it has been there all over the baking soda. Now wait for at least 15 minutes;
  • After 15 minutes, take a soft toothbrush and gently scrub the affected area on the carpet. Be slow and scrub in circular motions. This will take out the baking soda from the base of the carpet and the fibers; 
  • Wipe away the solution from the carpet with a paper towel or clean cloth. You can also wet a cloth and wipe the area twice or thrice. Now, if you don’t see the best result, repeat the steps;
  • After you complete cleaning and scrubbing, and wiping, dry the area very well, preferably with a dryer; 

Lemon juice cleans the baking soda out of the carpet and releases a fresh smell. So you will get a fresh and clean carpet if you use lemon juice on the baking soda layers. 

Solution 4: Steam Clean The Carpet

Steam cleaning is the easiest technique of cleaning baking soda out of a carpet. And if you have a steam cleaner, this is what you should use for this task. It is effortless and takes out baking soda from the carpet easily. 

But for that, you will need a stain-cleaning solution and a brush to attach to the steam cleaner. You can use a mild detergent or stain removal liquid to do the job. Also, brush attachments for steam cleaners are widely available. 

Let’s look into the steps of steam cleaning a carpet: 

  • First, wet the area with plain water and blot it with paper. This simply softens the fibers and melts the baking soda slightly. I mean, it just makes your task easier; 
  • Now fill half of the steam cleaner tank with warm water. Fill the other half with the stain-cleaning solution. It can be a carpet cleaner too or a detergent; 
  • Next, attach the brush to the steam cleaner and run the steam cleaner on the carpet. The steam softens the baking soda, the brush scrubs away the layers, and then they get absorbed by the steam cleaner;
  • For the best result, you can repeat this process. In the end, leave the area to dry;

Steam cleaning is one of the easiest solutions you have in your hand. It has been proven to be effective on stains and marks. And in this case, it works perfectly fine. 


Solution 5: Apply Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another magic cleaner to clear out baking soda from carpets. Rubbing alcohol easily dissolves baking and can easily clean out the residues. So people rubbing alcohol at home can try it out if they have nothing else to do. 

Here are the steps to use rubbing alcohol on the baking soda: 

  • Ensure to ventilate the space, as rubbing alcohol can have a strong smell. Also, wear gloves and a face mask before working on it;
  • Now wet the affected area with rubbing alcohol. This will loosen the baking soda particles and clean out the carpet easily. But for that, leave rubbing alcohol on the carpet for 15- 20 minutes;
  • After that, use a toothbrush to scrub the area gently. Scrubbing will easily take out the stubborn layers, stains, and particles that are stuck in between the fibers;
  • You can repeat it a few times. Then dry the carpet very well and vacuum the area to take out any residues that may remain on the carpet;

And that is it. You have 5 amazing ways of getting baking soda out of the carpet. Whichever is easy for you, go for it. And I am sure at least one or two agents or materials are available in your home to clear out the baking soda. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will Baking Soda Stain The Carpet? 

It may be a question that many people have: does baking soda stain carpet? If baking soda stays on the carpet for a long time, it can stain the carpet. Removing the particles becomes challenging as it settles at the base of the carpet.

And if you don’t remove them, they can harden the fibers, stain the carpet, and make it smelly. The carpet can become clogged due to the baking soda, so removing baking soda from the carpet is necessary. A baking soda carpet stain removal will help overcome this situation. In this case, a proper baking soda stain remover should be used.

How To Get The Wet Baking Soda Out Of The Carpet? 

The first step in treating wet baking soda is to completely dry the baking soda because it takes less effort to remove a dry soda. Next, vacuum the baking soda when you are sure that the baking soda is completely dry. After vacuuming for some time, this residue will be removed entirely.

It is easier to remove dry baking soda than treat wet baking soda. This is because wet baking soda on the carpet becomes very sticky with the fibers. And this is why it becomes very tough to remove it. So it is better to dry the baking soda and then vacuum it. When baking soda is dry, it becomes straightforward to vacuum up the baking soda from the carpet.

How Long Do You Leave Baking Soda on Carpet?

Many people ask how long to leave baking soda on the carpet. When baking soda for carpet cleaning is applied, it should be left on for at least 15 minutes. Also, if the user wants to leave more time, it can give better results.

The longer the baking soda is on rugs, the more it will absorb odors, oils, and dirt. Therefore, it is best to leave baking soda on the carpet overnight and vacuum it in the morning. Baking soda for wet carpets works much better.

What Happens If You Leave Baking Soda In The Carpet Overnight?

To remove odor and soak up oil and liquid from the carpet, you can leave baking soda overnight. So it is good to use baking soda on the carpet overnight.

But if you don’t remove the baking soda from the carpet on time, it will make the baking soda sticky and stain the carpet. So the next morning, you should clean the baking soda thoroughly. 

Can You Vacuum Wet Baking Soda?

Generally, carpets are vacuumed wet with baking soda. Still, when cleaning residue, the baking soda should be allowed to dry because vacuuming will trap it in the carpet fibers, which can be difficult to remove later. After the soda dries, vacuum it up, this will remove the dry powder easily.

Wet baking soda residue should not be allowed to penetrate deep into the fiber. It becomes more sticky over time and can be difficult to remove later. Because the fine particles of soda penetrate deeper into the carpet fibers and eventually reach the floor. Baking soda can damage the surface if it settles on the floor.

Does Baking Soda Damage Carpet?

You can be sure that baking soda will never harm your carpet since it is used as a carpet cleaner. But it shouldn’t be permanent on the carpet because its fine particles get under the fibers. After cleaning the carpet with baking soda, some residue may remain, which slowly seeps into the floor and can damage the floor.

That’s why you should know how to remove the baking soda from the carpet with the carpet cleaning method, as it can damage the floor or underlay. If the soda sticks to the fiber while wet, wait until it dries because the dried residue can be effectively removed by vacuuming. On the other hand, damp residue may remain even after removal, so do not operate while wet.

How To Clean Up Baking Soda Without A Vacuum? 

You can remove the baking soda from a carpet without a vacuum. You can remove the wet baking soda when you want to remove it without vacuuming. Vinegar can be an effective solution in this case. You need warm water and vinegar solution in a 50:50 ratio. Now, gently rub over the baking soda with a sponge or a soft brush in this solution.

Continue this process for quite some time as it will draw out the residue from deep. Once done, blot the solution from the carpet with a paper towel. But after that, observe whether there is still any residue in the fiber. Repeat this twice or thrice if necessary and leave it to dry.

How Do You Get Dry Soda Out Of Carpet?

If dry soda is stuck in the carpet, you can vacuum it. Else, follow this process: 

  • Mix a tsp of white vinegar and a tbsp of liquid detergent in a bowl of warm water;
  • Next, dip a sponge in the solution and rub the area to wet and soften the dry soda;
  • With a soft brush, gently scrub the area to take out the baking soda particles;
  • Next, blot up the residues well and vacuum the area. Else, you can use a dryer to dry the baking soda.

How To Get Dried Baking Soda Out Of Carpet?

If you know how to get baking soda residue out of carpet, this process may be easier for you too. You will probably need less effort to remove the dry baking soda from the carpet. Vacuuming alone may be sufficient if dried baking soda is spilled onto the dry rug.

Use the vacuum on the carpet’s designated area; the baking soda will be removed entirely. But when you get baking soda on a wet carpet, you must wait for the soda to dry.

How Do You Remove Baking Soda Stains Out Of Carpet?

Baking soda stains can be stubborn on the carpet. To remove that, you can use white vinegar. Mix 50% white vinegar and 50% warm water in a spraying bottle. Then spray this solution on the carpet.

Leave it for 5 minutes, and use a sponge to rub the carpet gently. Then blot it up with a paper towel. 

Will Baking Soda Ruin The Carpet? 

Baking soda does not ruin the carpet. In fact, it is used for thorough cleaning. It works as an excellent cleaner when the carpet needs to be cleaned effectively. However, no residue should be left on the carpet after the cleaning process is completed.

If you don’t clear baking soda out of the carpet, it can settle on the floor underneath the carpet. That is when it becomes complicated to clean it out. Also, excess baking soda can stain the carpet, and the powder can make the carpet dusty.

How Long Does Baking Soda Stay On The Carpet?

Ideally, baking soda should not stay on the carpet for more than 24 hours. This is the maximum time baking soda needs to work on the carpet.

If you keep it more than that, it will go into the fibers and can stain the carpet. It can also damage the underlayment and eventually discolor the carpet.  

Final Thoughts: 

So, after the above discussion, you know how to get baking soda out of a carpet. Here have five excellent ideas for removing baking soda. Then what are you waiting for? Whichever method seems convenient to you, apply it and see the result. I am sure you won’t be disappointed!

You can get more amazing carpet cleaning tips from here:

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Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

3 thoughts on “How To Get Baking Soda Out Of A Carpet? [Best 5 Solutions]

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