How To Paint Bathroom Tile Floors? [Step-By-Step Guide]

how to paint bathroom tile floors

Are you tired of looking at your old, worn-out bathroom tile floors? Painting the tile floors can be a great solution if you’re on a budget but still want to give your bathroom a fresh and updated look. Learning how to paint bathroom tile floors can be cost-effective and simple to transform the appearance of your bathroom without renovating. 

For painting bathroom tile floors, commence by spotless the tiles. Subsequently, create a textured surface by sanding gently for improved adhesion. Apply a bonding primer, followed by several thin layers of paint that resist moisture. Conclude the process by adding a clear sealant to enhance protection. Revel in your revitalized bathroom without breaking the bank!

In this article, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of painting bathroom tile floors and other necessary information, helping you bring new life to your space. Let’s dive in!

5 Steps To Follow To Painting Bathroom Tile Floors: 

Bathroom floor tile painting is an easy and fun DIY project giving an amazing outcome if the process is followed correctly. If you have any painted tile floor ideas, you can apply them by following the steps below. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide to help you through the procedure. 

Step 1: Clean And Prepare The Tile

Before painting, ensure the tile surface is clean and free of dirt, grime, or grease. Begin by spotless the bathroom tile floors using a suitable tile cleaner or a mixture of warm water and mild detergent. Scrub the tiles with a soft brush or sponge to remove stubborn stains or residue. Once the tiles are clean, rinse them thoroughly with clean water and let them dry completely.

Step 2: Sand The Tile Surface

To improve paint adhesion, gently sand the bathroom tile floors using fine-grit sandpaper. This step will help remove any glossy finish or unevenness on the tile surface, providing a rougher texture for the paint to grip onto. After sanding, wipe away any dust with a clean, damp cloth.

Step 3: Apply Primer

Priming the tile ensures the paint adheres well and provides a smooth and durable finish. Choose a high-quality bonding primer for tiles and apply it evenly using a paint roller or brush. Allow the primer to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions before proceeding to the next step.

Step 4: Paint the Tile

Now comes the exciting part – painting the bathroom tile floors! Pick a high-quality, moisture-resistant bathroom tile floor paint. You may color the white floor tile bathroom with colors or vice versa. Add any color shade you like. 

Employ a brush or a paint roller to achieve even paint application across the tiles. Begin from a corner and gradually move across the floor systematically. Applying several thin coats instead of a single thick coat is recommended for optimal outcomes. Ensure each coat is allowed to fully dry before proceeding to apply the next layer.

Step 5: Add A Clear Sealant

Finish the project by adding a clear sealant on top of the paint to protect the freshly painted bathroom tile floors from moisture and wear. The sealant will act as a protective layer, making the paint job more resistant to water, stains, and scratches. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the drying time and reapplication, if necessary.


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6 Tips About Choosing The Best Paint For Bathroom Floor Tiles: 

Selecting the right paint for bathroom floor tiles is essential for a successful and long-lasting renovation. Bathrooms endure high levels of moisture, foot traffic, and exposure to cleaning chemicals, making it crucial to choose a paint that can withstand these challenges. Here are some valuable tips to consider when deciding on floor tile paint for bathrooms:

Tips 1: Prioritize Durability And Water Resistance 

Bathrooms are prone to splashes, spills, and constant moisture, so opt for a paint that offers exceptional durability and water resistance. Epoxy paint is an excellent choice, as it forms a rigid, protective surface that can handle heavy use and frequent cleaning. It provides a glossy finish, adding a touch of elegance to the bathroom.

Tips 2: Opt For High-Quality Acrylic Paint 

High-quality acrylic paint is an excellent option for a more straightforward application process. Look for 100% acrylic paint, which offers superior adhesion and durability compared to standard latex paints. Acrylic paints are available in various finishes, including satin, semi-gloss, and high-gloss, allowing you to tailor the look to your preference.

Tips 3: Consider Chalk Paint For A Distinct Look 

If you desire a vintage or rustic vibe in your bathroom, consider using chalk paint for the floor tiles. It adheres well to tiles and can be sealed with wax or a clear topcoat to enhance water resistance. Remember that chalk paint may require periodic touch-ups, especially in high-traffic areas.

Tips 4: Evaluate Oil-Based Paints Carefully 

While oil-based paints are renowned for their durability and moisture resistance, they have certain drawbacks. They emit strong fumes during application, necessitating proper ventilation in the bathroom. Moreover, they have a longer drying time, which might inconvenience bathroom usage. If you choose oil-based paint, use a primer specifically designed for optimal adhesion with oil-based products.

Tips 5: Explore Tile Paint Kits For Convenience 

If you’re new to painting or prefer a hassle-free approach, consider using tile paint kits offered by various manufacturers. These kits often include a bonding primer, paint, and a sealant, ensuring product compatibility. They are designed to make the process more straightforward and beginner-friendly.

Tips 6: Administer Several Thin Layers

For a seamless and uniform outcome, utilize multiple thin layers of paint rather than a single thick application. This method enhances the paint’s visual appeal while bolstering its durability and ability to withstand wear.

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Spray Painting Bathroom Floor Tiles:

Spray-painting bathroom floor tiles can be a cost-effective and efficient way to update the look of your bathroom. However, it’s essential to approach the project carefully and avoid common mistakes that could compromise the results. Here are some crucial pitfalls to steer clear of when spray-painting your bathroom floor tiles:

1. Lack Of Proper Surface Preparation: 

One of the most significant mistakes is neglecting to prepare the tile surface adequately before spraying. Skipping essential steps like cleaning and sanding can result in poor paint adhesion and a less durable finish. Clean the tiles thoroughly to remove dirt, grime, or grease, and gently sand the surface to create a rough texture for better paint adhesion.

2. Using The Wrong Type Of Spray Paint: 

Not all spray paints are suitable for bathroom floor tiles. Avoid using regular spray paints that may not withstand constant exposure to moisture and foot traffic. Opt for speciality paints designed specifically for tile or high-traffic areas. Epoxy or enamel-based spray paints are often excellent for their durability and water resistance.

3. Inadequate Ventilation: 

Spray painting generates fumes that can be harmful when inhaled. Working in a poorly ventilated area can lead to health issues and a subpar finish due to over-spray settling back onto the painted surface. Always work in a well-ventilated space, open windows and doors, and consider using a respirator mask for added protection.

4. Applying Too Thick Or Thin Coats: 

Achieving the right paint coverage is essential for an even and professional finish. Applying the spray paint too thick can lead to drips, runs, and an uneven appearance. On the other hand, applying the paint too thinly may result in inadequate coverage and a patchy finish. 

5. Ignoring Weather Conditions: 

Weather conditions can significantly impact the outcome of your spray-painting project. Avoid spraying on windy days, as the wind can cause over spray and uneven paint distribution. High humidity levels can also prevent paint from drying, leading to a tacky finish. Choose a calm day with moderate temperatures and low humidity to ensure the best conditions for painting.

6. Skipping a Protective Topcoat: 

Spray-painted bathroom floor tiles are susceptible to wear and damage from foot traffic and cleaning. Skipping a protective topcoat can leave the paint vulnerable to chipping, peeling, and fading. Apply a clear sealant or topcoat designed for tile surfaces to enhance the paint’s longevity and resistance to water and stains.

7. Rushing The Drying Process:

Patience is crucial when spray-painting bathroom floor tiles. Rushing the drying process can lead to smudges, fingerprints, or other imperfections on the painted surface. Allow ample time for each coat of paint to dry before applying the next layer or adding a topcoat.

8. Not Testing The Spray Pattern: 

Before spraying the entire floor, test the spray pattern on a spare piece of cardboard or a similar surface. This will help you become familiar with the spray pattern and ensure consistency and even.


Is Painting Bathroom Floor Tiles A Good Idea?

Painting bathroom floor tiles can be a good idea for a cost-effective update. It allows you to change the look without replacing tiles. However, consider factors like durability, moisture, preparation time, and potential slipperiness. Use high-quality paint and proper sealant to enhance longevity and water resistance.

What Kind Of Paint Do You Use On Bathroom Tiles Floor?

Two common types of paint suitable for bathroom tile floors are epoxy paint and high-quality acrylic paint. Epoxy paint provides exceptional durability and water resistance, making it an excellent choice for bathrooms. High-quality acrylic paint, especially 100% acrylic, also offers good adhesion and durability for bathroom tile surfaces. 

In addition, some speciality tile paints are formulated specifically for this purpose, providing the suitable characteristics for a successful paint job on bathroom floor tiles.

Is Bathroom Tile Paint Waterproof?

Bathroom tile paint is not inherently waterproof, but certain types of paint used for bathroom tiles offer good water resistance. Epoxy paint and some high-quality acrylic paints are known for their ability to withstand moisture and provide a degree of water resistance.

However, even with these types of paint, it’s essential to add a clear sealant or topcoat after painting to enhance the waterproofing and protect the paint from water damage, stains, and wear over time. This sealant acts as a protective layer and helps make the painted bathroom tiles more waterproof and durable in a bathroom’s humid and wet conditions.

Can I Spray Paint My Bathroom Floor Tiles Without Sanding Them First?

Sanding is a crucial step to ensure proper paint adhesion. Skipping this step may lead to paint peeling or chipping off easily. Sanding creates a rough surface that allows the paint to grip onto the tiles effectively, providing a durable and long-lasting finish.

How Long Should I Wait Between Coats When Spray Painting Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Allow each coat of spray paint to dry completely before applying the next one. Drying times can vary depending on the type of paint and environmental conditions, but waiting at least 30 minutes to an hour between coats is a general guideline.

Can I Use Regular Spray Paint For Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Regular spray paint is unsuitable for bathroom floor tiles as it lacks the necessary durability and water resistance. Opt for speciality tile spray paints, such as epoxy or enamel-based ones, specifically designed for high-traffic and moisture-prone areas.

Can I Spray Paint Over Old, Chipping Paint On Bathroom Floor Tiles?

Spraying paint over old, chipping paint without addressing the underlying issue is not recommended. Eradicate the old paint by sanding or using a paint stripper before starting the spray-painting process. Painting over chipping paint will not yield a smooth and durable finish.

How Do I Prepare The Bathroom Floor Tiles For Spray Painting?

To prepare the tiles, clean them thoroughly to remove dirt and grease. Gently sand the surface to create a rough texture for better paint adhesion. Use a suitable bonding primer to enhance paint adherence and ensure a smooth and lasting finish.

Can I Spray Paint Bathroom Floor Tiles In A Small, Poorly Ventilated Bathroom?

No, spray painting in a small, poorly ventilated bathroom is not recommended. Spray-painting generates fumes that can be harmful when inhaled, and insufficient ventilation can lead to over-spray settling back onto the painted surface. Always work in a well-ventilated area with open windows and doors for safety.

Can I Use Any Color Of Spray Paint For Bathroom Floor Tiles?

You can choose from various colors, but selecting a paint designed for high-traffic areas with good water resistance is essential. Neutral and lighter shades can help create a spacious and airy feeling, while darker colors can add depth and drama to the bathroom.

Will Spray Painting My Bathroom Floor Tiles Make Them Slippery?

A proper sealant or topcoat after spray-painting will help create a slightly textured surface, reducing the chances of the tiles becoming too slippery. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution and use bath mats or rugs to provide additional grip, especially when the tiles are wet.

How Long Can I Expect The Spray-Painted Bathroom Floor Tiles To Last?

The longevity of spray-painted bathroom floor tiles depends on factors such as the quality of the paint, preparation, and maintenance. With proper preparation, application, and clear sealant, you can expect the paint to last for several years, providing a durable and refreshed appearance to your bathroom floor.


Painting bathroom tile floors can be a rewarding and budget-friendly way to update your bathroom’s look. Now that you know how to paint bathroom tile floors, you can achieve professional-looking results that will stand the test of time. 

So, roll up your sleeves, get creative, and give your bathroom a fresh makeover that you can enjoy for years to come!

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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