How To Restore Bamboo Floors? [A Complete Guide]

How To Restore Bamboo Floors

Bamboo floors have gained popularity in recent years due to their eco-friendly nature, durability, and distinct aesthetic appeal. Over time, however, even the sturdiest of bamboo floors can lose their luster due to wear and tear. But fear not! By learning how to restore bamboo floors, you can fix their condition and enjoy their beauty for years to come. 

To restore bamboo floors, begin by assessing and preparing the area. Deep clean with a gentle bamboo floor cleaner, address damage with sanding and repairs, and then restore the finish using a bamboo-specific floor finish. Buff for shine and establish regular maintenance to ensure lasting beauty.

In this guide, we’ll take you through a step-by-step process to effectively restore your bamboo floors. If you have a dull bamboo floor, keep reading and find the easiest way to bamboo flooring restoration. 

Restore Bamboo Floor in 6 Step-by-Step Process: Easy Method

Bamboo floor restoration is a simple task if you are equipped with the tools and have proper guidance. With years of experience, I have come up with an easy process of reconditioning bamboo surfaces without the help of any professional bamboo floor restorer. Follow the guide below to learn the steps in detail. 

Step 1: Assessment and Preparation

Before diving into the restoration process, it’s essential to assess the current condition of your bamboo floors. Look for scratches, dents, stains, and any other damage that might need attention. Once you’ve identified the areas that require restoration, gather the necessary tools and other bamboo floor restoration products such as a broom, mop, gentle bamboo floor cleaner, microfiber cloths, and any required repair kits.

Step 2: Deep Cleaning

The first step towards restoring your bamboo floors is giving them a thorough cleaning. Start by sweeping or vacuuming the entire area to remove loose dirt and debris. Then, use a damp microfiber mop and a mild bamboo floor cleaner to gently clean the surface. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive scrubbers, as these can damage the bamboo’s natural finish. Allow the floor to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

Step 3: Sanding and Repair

For more extensive damage such as deep scratches or gouges, sanding might be necessary. Use fine-grit sandpaper to carefully sand down the damaged area. Be cautious not to sand too aggressively, as bamboo is relatively soft and can be easily over-sanded. Once the damaged area is smooth, clean away any sanding residue, and if required, use a bamboo repair kit to fill in any gaps or cracks.

Step 4: Restoring the Finish

Bamboo floors usually have a protective finish that enhances their appearance and durability. Over time, this finish can wear down, leading to a dull appearance. To restore the finish, you’ll need to apply a bamboo-specific floor finish. Begin by lightly sanding the entire floor with fine-grit sandpaper to ensure proper adhesion of the new finish. Then, using a clean microfiber cloth or applicator, apply the bamboo floor finish according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Allow ample drying time between coats if multiple coats are recommended.

Step 5: Buffing and Polishing

After the final coat of finish has dried, use a clean, dry microfiber cloth or buffing pad to gently buff the floor. This will help bring out the shine of the finish and provide a smooth, even appearance. Be gentle while buffing to avoid creating scratches or uneven spots.

Step 6: Regular Maintenance

With your bamboo floors successfully restored, it’s important to establish a regular maintenance routine to ensure their longevity. Sweep or vacuum the floors regularly to prevent dirt and debris buildup. Place rugs or mats at entryways to minimize the tracking of dirt and grit onto the floor. Additionally, use furniture pads to prevent scratches caused by moving furniture.

5 Tips about How to Restore Shine to Bamboo Floors:

Restoring the shine to your bamboo floors can rejuvenate the overall look of your living space. Over time, wear and tear, as well as exposure to sunlight and dirt, can cause bamboo floors to lose their luster. Luckily, there are several effective ways to bring back that beautiful shine and enhance the natural elegance of your floors. Here are some tips to help you restore the shine to your bamboo floors:

1. Light Sanding: 

If your bamboo floors have developed minor scratches or wear, consider light sanding to even out the surface. Use fine-grit sandpaper and sand lightly in the direction of the grain. This process helps to smooth out imperfections and prepares the surface for the next steps.

2. Applying Bamboo-Specific Floor Polish: 

Once the floor is clean and smooth, it’s time to apply a bamboo-specific floor polish. This polish is designed to restore shine and provide a protective layer. Apply the polish evenly using a clean microfiber cloth or an applicator pad. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time between coats.

3. Avoid Excessive Moisture: 

Bamboo floors are sensitive to moisture, so avoid excessive water or liquid exposure. Use a damp mop for cleaning rather than a soaking wet mop.

4. Prevent Sunlight Exposure: 

Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can cause bamboo floors to fade and lose their shine. Use curtains or blinds to minimize sunlight exposure, especially during peak daylight hours.

5. Furniture Protection: 

Place furniture pads under the legs of chairs, tables, and other furniture to prevent scratches and dents when moving them around.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Restoring Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring:

Restoring strand woven bamboo flooring can be a rewarding project that revitalizes the appearance of your home. However, there are certain mistakes that you should steer clear of to ensure the best possible results. 

Strand woven bamboo is known for its durability and unique aesthetic, but it requires specific care during the restoration process. Here are some crucial mistakes to avoid when restoring strand-woven bamboo flooring:

1. Skipping Proper Assessment: 

Neglecting a thorough assessment of your strand-woven bamboo flooring is a common mistake. Before starting the restoration, examine the floor for scratches, dents, and other damage. Identifying the extent of the issues will help you plan the restoration process effectively.

2. Using Harsh Cleaners: 

Strand woven bamboo flooring is treated with a protective finish that can be damaged by harsh chemicals. Avoid using abrasive cleaners, acidic solutions, or products containing ammonia. Stick to gentle bamboo floor cleaners specifically designed for this type of flooring.

3. Over-Sanding: 

While sanding can help remove imperfections, over-sanding can weaken the bamboo fibers and compromise the floor’s integrity. Use a fine-grit sandpaper and sand lightly to avoid damaging the surface. Remember, strand woven bamboo is dense and harder than traditional bamboo, so excessive sanding can lead to irreversible damage.

4. Incorrect Repair Techniques: 

Incorrectly repairing damaged areas can result in unsightly patches and an uneven finish. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines or consult a professional when using repair kits. Carefully match the color and texture of the repair material to ensure a seamless blend with the rest of the floor.

5. Rushing the Finish Application: 

Applying the finish in a hurry or not allowing sufficient drying time between coats can lead to an uneven appearance and reduced durability. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended drying times and application techniques to achieve a smooth and even finish.

6. Neglecting Regular Maintenance: 

Restoration is just the beginning; neglecting regular maintenance can undo your hard work. Failing to sweep, vacuum, or clean spills promptly can lead to new scratches, dullness, and other issues.

7. Not Protecting Against Sunlight: 

Strand woven bamboo flooring, like other wood products, can fade and lose its color when exposed to direct sunlight for prolonged periods. Use curtains, blinds, or UV-blocking window films to protect the flooring from excessive sunlight exposure.

8. Skipping Furniture Protection: 

Heavy furniture can leave indentations on your strand-woven bamboo floor. Place furniture pads under the legs of chairs, tables, and other pieces to prevent these dents and scratches.

9. Using Excessive Water: 

Bamboo flooring is sensitive to moisture. Avoid using excessive water or wet mops when cleaning. A damp mop and quick drying are recommended to prevent moisture from seeping into the bamboo fibers.

10. Ignoring Manufacturer Guidelines: 

Each strand-woven bamboo flooring product may have specific recommendations for maintenance and restoration. Ignoring these guidelines could lead to unintended consequences or even void warranties.


Can I Use Any Floor Cleaner On My Bamboo Floors?

It’s advisable to use a gentle bamboo floor cleaner to avoid damaging the natural finish. Harsh chemicals can strip the protective layer and harm the bamboo’s appearance.

How Often Should I Deep Clean My Bamboo Floors?

Aim for deep cleaning every 1-2 months, depending on foot traffic. Regular sweeping or vacuuming is crucial to prevent dirt buildup that can scratch the surface.

Can I Sand Bamboo Floors Myself?

Yes, you can sand bamboo floors, but use fine-grit sandpaper and be cautious not to over-sand, as bamboo is softer than hardwood.

What If I Have Deep Scratches Or Gouges on The Bamboo Floor?

Sand the damaged area gently, and if needed, use a bamboo repair kit to fill in gaps. Sanding and repairing should be followed by applying a protective finish.

How Do I Choose The Right Bamboo Floor Finish?

Opt for a bamboo-specific floor finish, available at hardware stores. Read manufacturer instructions for application and drying times.

Is Buffing Necessary After Applying The Finish?

Yes, buffing helps bring out the finish’s shine and create an even appearance. Use a clean microfiber cloth or buffing pad for best results.

Can I Move the Furniture Back Immediately After Applying Finish?

It’s best to wait for the finish to fully cure before placing heavy furniture. Check manufacturer recommendations for drying times before moving items.

How Can I Prevent Future Damage To My Restored Bamboo Floors?

Use rugs or mats at entryways to reduce dirt tracking. Apply furniture pads to prevent scratches caused by moving furniture.

Can I Use Wax On Bamboo Floors For Added Shine?

Wax is not recommended for bamboo floors, as it can create a buildup and dull the finish. Stick to the manufacturer-recommended finish for optimal results.

What’s The Expected Lifespan Of Restored Bamboo Floors?

With proper maintenance, bamboo floors can last 20-25 years or more. Regular cleaning, avoiding excessive moisture, and careful use will contribute to their longevity.

How Much Does it Cost to Refinish Bamboo Flooring?

The cost to refinish bamboo flooring typically ranges from $2 to $4 per square foot. Factors like the condition of the floor, labor costs, and location can influence the total expense. It’s advisable to get quotes from professionals for an accurate estimate.


By following the steps on how to restore bamboo floors given above, you can tackle various issues such as scratches, dullness, and minor damage, and ultimately revive the natural beauty of your bamboo floors. 

Remember that patience and attention to detail are key throughout the restoration process. With proper care and maintenance, your bamboo floors will continue to impress with their timeless charm and eco-friendly appeal.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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