How To Stop Wood Floors From Creaking? [Step-By-Step Guide] 

How To Stop Wood Floors From Creaking

There’s nothing quite as annoying as the sound of creaking wood floors underfoot. Whether you’re tiptoeing around at night or simply going about your daily activities, the constant creaking can be a major inconvenience. But fear not, there are effective and straightforward solutions to stop wood floors from creaking. 

To stop wood floors from creaking, first, identify the creaky areas, then check for loose nails and screws. Apply lubricant to reduce friction, use wood shims for gaps, and secure floorboards with nails. Alternatively, apply talcum powder as a quick fix for minor creaks.

In this article, we’ll guide you through a step-by-step process on how to stop wood floors from creaking, allowing you to move around your home with peace and quiet once again.

How To Stop Wood Floors From Creaking: Solve in 5 Steps:

If you want to stop wooden floors from creaking, you need to inspect the core of the issue and solve it. In this section, the steps of identifying and solving the issue are explained in detail. Have a look.

Step 1: Check for Loose Nails and Screws

Loose nails and screws are a common cause of wood floor creaks. With time and use, the fasteners that secure your floorboards may become loose, creating gaps that result in annoying noises. Grab a flashlight and inspect the floor’s surface, looking for any visible nails or screws that are not flush with the wood. Once identified, tighten them using an appropriate screwdriver or hammer.

Step 2: Apply Lubricant

For creaks caused by friction between wood joints, applying a lubricant can work wonders. Silicone-based lubricants or powdered graphite can effectively reduce friction and eliminate the creaking sounds. Sprinkle the lubricant between the creaking floorboards or joints and work it in by gently stepping on the area to allow the lubricant to penetrate.

Step 3: Use Wood Shims

If you notice gaps between floorboards or between the floor and subfloor, wood shims can be an effective solution. Purchase thin wooden shims from a hardware store and insert them into the gaps. Be sure not to use excessive force, as you could risk damaging the floor. The shims will help to stabilize the floor and reduce movement, consequently eliminating the creaking.

Step 4: Secure Floorboards with Nails

For loose floorboards that continue to creak despite tightening the nails, you can reinforce them by adding additional nails strategically. Drill pilot holes near the edges of the loose boards and insert wood screws or nails through these holes to fasten the floorboards securely to the subfloor.

Step 5: Apply Talcum Powder

Talcum powder can be an effective quick fix for minor creaks. Sprinkle talcum powder on the creaky areas, and then work it into the gaps between the floorboards using a soft brush. The powder will act as a temporary lubricant, reducing friction and minimizing the noise.

7 Tips About How to Stop an Old Wooden Floor from Creaking:

Old wooden floor creaks can be an annoying and bothersome issue in any home. Fortunately, there are several effective tips to silence those irritating sounds and bring back the serenity to your living space. Here’s a detailed guide on how to stop a wooden floor from creaking:

  1. Fill Gaps: If there are gaps between the floorboards, they might rub against each other and create creaking sounds. Fill these gaps with a suitable wood filler to prevent movement and noise.
  1. Check for Nail Movement: Over time, nails can become loose, causing the floorboards to move and creak. If you can access the underside of the floor, consider re-nailing any loose boards.
  1. Use Carpentry Glue: Applying carpentry glue between the floorboards and the subfloor can help to reduce movement and creaking. Be cautious not to use too much glue, as excess glue could cause other issues.
  1. Add Weight: For floating floors or areas that are accessible from below, adding weight like heavy furniture or additional support beams can reduce movement and creaking.
  1. Secure Squeaky Subfloor: If the subfloor is the cause of the creaking, secure it to the floor joists using screws. This might involve lifting parts of the floor to access the subfloor from below.
  1. Reduce Humidity Changes: Wood tends to expand and contract with changes in humidity. Maintain a consistent indoor humidity level to minimize this movement and, consequently, reduce creaking.
  1. Rugs and Carpets: Placing rugs or carpets over creaky areas can help dampen the noise. They also add an extra layer of insulation between the floorboards and the space below.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Stopping Laminate Wood Floors from Creaking:

Creaking laminate wood floors can be frustrating, but avoiding common mistakes is essential for an effective and lasting solution. To successfully stop laminate wood floors from creaking, steer clear of these errors:

1. Using Excessive Force:

One common mistake is using excessive force when trying to fix creaks. Hammering or stepping heavily on the floor can cause further damage, making the creaking worse. Instead, apply gentle pressure and use appropriate tools to avoid damaging the laminate.

2. Neglecting Proper Lubricants:

Choosing the wrong lubricant can be detrimental to the laminate’s finish. Avoid using oil-based or water-based lubricants, as they can stain or warp the laminate. Opt for silicone-based or powdered graphite lubricants, which are safe and effective for laminate floors.

3. Overlooking Loose Fasteners:

Failing to check for loose fasteners can be a missed opportunity to eliminate creaking. Regularly inspect the floor for loose nails or screws and tighten them to stabilize the laminate boards.

4. Ignoring Expansion Gaps:

Laminate floors require expansion gaps along the perimeter to accommodate changes in temperature and humidity. Neglecting these gaps can result in buckling, which exacerbates creaking. Ensure the proper installation of laminate with the recommended expansion gaps.

5. Neglecting Proper Installation:

Inadequate installation can lead to creaking in laminate floors. Make sure the subfloor is smooth and level before installing the laminate. Properly acclimate the laminate to the room’s temperature and humidity to prevent future creaking.

6. Rushing the Repair Process:

Taking shortcuts or rushing the repair process can lead to temporary fixes that don’t last. Invest time and effort in identifying the source of the creaks and applying appropriate solutions to ensure a long-lasting fix.

7. Disregarding Professional Help:

If creaking persists despite your efforts, avoid dismissing the need for professional assistance. Flooring experts can diagnose underlying issues and offer specialized solutions to stop creaking in laminate wood floors.


How Do I Stop My Wooden Floor From Creaking?

To stop your wooden floor from creaking, first, identify the creaky areas. Tighten loose nails and screws. Apply lubricant to reduce friction between wood joints. Use wood shims for gaps between floorboards. Secure floorboards with nails. If needed, seek professional help for more complex issues. Following these steps will effectively eliminate the creaking and restore peace to your wooden floor.

Can You Stop Hardwood Floors From Creaking?

Yes, hardwood floors can be stopped from creaking. Identifying the source of the creaks is crucial. Tighten loose nails and screws, apply lubricant to reduce friction, use wood shims for gaps, and secure floorboards with additional nails or screws. Regular maintenance and preventive measures can help keep hardwood floors creak-free and in good condition.

How Do Wood Shims Help With Creaky Floors?

Wood shims are thin pieces of wood that can be inserted into gaps between floorboards. They stabilize the floor and minimize movement, thereby eliminating creaking sounds caused by loose or shifting floorboards.

How Long Does It Take To Stop Wood Floors From Creaking?

The time required to silence creaky wood floors depends on the extent of the problem and the chosen solutions. Minor creaks may be fixed in a matter of hours, while more complex issues may take a day or two, especially if waiting for lubricants to settle.

Can Creaky Wood Floors Be Prevented In The Future?

Yes, preventive measures can help reduce the likelihood of creaky wood floors in the future. Regularly inspect and tighten nails, keep humidity levels stable to minimize wood expansion and contraction, and address any floor issues promptly to prevent creaks from worsening.


Creaky wood floors can be a persistent annoyance, but with the right approach, they can be silenced once and for all. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this article on how to stop wood floors from creaking, you can easily identify the source of the creaks and employ appropriate solutions. 

So, say goodbye to those irritating noises and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of a creak-free environment.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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