Why Do Floors Creak When No One Is On Them?

Why Do Floors Creak When No One Is On Them

Have you ever found yourself in a quiet room, only to be startled by the eerie creaking sound of the floor beneath your feet, even when no one else is around? It’s a phenomenon that has puzzled many homeowners and visitors alike. Why do floors creak when no one is on them? 

Natural aging, settling, and changes in temperature or humidity cause floorboards to rub against each other, creating creaks. Uneven subfloors and loose fasteners also contribute to the phenomenon. Understanding these factors helps homeowners identify and address the issue, from tightening loose screws to replacing damaged floorboards. 

Taking appropriate steps can restore quiet and harmony to our living spaces. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to this perplexing occurrence and shed light on the science behind those mysterious creaks.

4 Reasons Why Do Floor Creak When No One Is On Them: 

  1. Natural Aging and Settling:

One of the primary reasons for creaking floors is natural aging and settling of the building. Over time, the materials used in constructing a house may expand and contract due to changes in temperature and humidity. This movement can lead to small gaps between the floorboards, causing them to rub against each other when weight is applied, resulting in creaking sounds. Moreover, the wooden components of a floor may dry out or deteriorate, further exacerbating the creaking noises.

  1. Uneven Subfloor:

Another common culprit behind creaky floors is an uneven subfloor. When the subfloor is not level, it can cause the floorboards to flex or bend when pressure is applied, leading to creaking sounds. Uneven subfloors can occur due to poor construction, settling of the foundation, or even due to changes in moisture content in the underlying materials.

  1. Loose Floorboards and Fasteners:

Floorboards that are not securely fastened to the subfloor can also contribute to the creaking phenomenon. Over time, nails or screws may become loose due to repeated use or structural movement, causing the floorboards to shift slightly and generate noise when weight is applied. Furthermore, the natural expansion and contraction of the floorboards can cause the fasteners to loosen, amplifying the creaking sounds.

  1. Environmental Factors:

Environmental conditions can play a role in the occurrence of creaky floors. Changes in temperature and humidity levels can cause the materials in a building to expand or contract, potentially leading to creaking noises. For instance, during dry seasons, when the air lacks moisture, the wooden components of a floor may shrink, resulting in gaps and creaks. Similarly, high humidity can cause the materials to swell, increasing the likelihood of creaking.


Why do creaky floors occur more frequently in older homes?

Creaky floors are more common in older homes due to natural aging and settling. Over time, the materials used in construction may expand, contract, or deteriorate, creating gaps between floorboards that lead to creaking sounds.

Can humidity levels affect creaky floors?

Yes, changes in humidity can contribute to creaking floors. Dry air can cause the wooden components of a floor to shrink, while high humidity can cause them to swell. These fluctuations in moisture content can result in gaps or pressure on the floorboards, leading to creaking noises.

Are creaky floors a sign of structural damage?

Creaky floors are not always a sign of structural damage. In most cases, they are a result of natural movement, settling, or environmental factors. However, if accompanied by other concerning signs like sagging or uneven floors, it’s advisable to consult a professional to rule out any underlying structural issues.

Can creaky floors be fixed without replacing them?

Yes, creaky floors can often be fixed without completely replacing them. Solutions include tightening loose screws or nails, adding lubrication between the floorboards, or using adhesive to secure loose floorboards. Consulting a professional can help determine the best course of action based on the specific situation.

Do different types of flooring materials creak more than others?

Different flooring materials can vary in their tendency to creak. Solid hardwood floors are more prone to creaking due to their natural characteristics and susceptibility to environmental changes. Engineered wood, laminate, or vinyl flooring may be less likely to creak, but their installation and subfloor conditions can still contribute to creaking sounds.

Can carpeting reduce or eliminate creaking sounds?

Carpeting can help dampen creaking sounds to some extent by providing a cushioning layer between the floorboards and foot traffic. However, if the creaking is caused by underlying issues like loose floorboards or an uneven subfloor, carpeting alone may not completely eliminate the problem.

Is it possible to prevent creaky floors in a new construction?

While it’s challenging to completely prevent creaky floors in new construction, there are steps that can be taken to minimize the likelihood of creaking. These include using quality materials, proper installation techniques, ensuring a level subfloor, and allowing for expansion and contraction of the flooring materials.

Can weather changes outside the house affect creaky floors?

Weather changes outside the house, such as temperature and humidity fluctuations, can indeed impact creaky floors. Extreme weather conditions can cause the building materials to expand or contract, potentially exacerbating creaking sounds.

Are creaky floors a safety concern?

In most cases, creaky floors are not a safety concern on their own. However, if the creaking is accompanied by significant structural issues, it’s important to have them inspected by a professional to ensure the safety and stability of the floor and the overall structure of the building.

When should I seek professional help for creaky floors?

If creaky floors persist despite attempts to address the issue, or if they are accompanied by other worrisome signs like significant structural changes, it’s advisable to seek professional help. A qualified contractor or flooring specialist can assess the situation, identify the underlying causes, and recommend appropriate solutions to resolve the creaking problem effectively.


While creaky floors may give off an eerie vibe, there are logical explanations behind their occurrence. Natural aging and settling, uneven subfloors, loose floorboards, and environmental factors all contribute to the creaking phenomenon. Understanding these underlying factors can help homeowners identify and address the issue more effectively. 

Solutions range from simple remedies like tightening loose fasteners to more involved measures such as replacing damaged floorboards or addressing subfloor leveling. By taking appropriate steps to address the underlying causes, homeowners can enjoy quiet and creak-free floors once again, creating a more peaceful and harmonious living environment.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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