Liquid Nails On Ceramic Tile? [What You Need To Know]

Liquid Nails On Ceramic Tile What You Need To Know

Liquid nails are a type of adhesive used to hold objects in place. They are used in areas where nails cannot be used. This Adhesive comes in handy on ceramic tiles. This is because ceramic tiles cannot be tightened or pinned in place since they can break. They ensure the ceramic tiles adhere to the surface to which they are attached while retaining their nature.

If you wonder what to use to hold your tiles in place, you are right. This is a hands-on guide about liquid nails on ceramic tile. They are practical and safe to use.

I am a self-renowned tile specialist. This article will see how we can use liquid nails on ceramic tile. We will also discuss the advantages of using liquid nails and why liquid nails are used. Let’s get started.

6 Steps To Use Liquid Nails On Ceramic Tile: Easy Way To Go

For the whole tile installation process, liquid nails are advised against. This is because it hardens over time and may cause the tile to crack or even come off. It is recommended only to use liquid nails on ceramic tile if you are doing a repair or adding a decorative piece of tile.

Step 1: Required Materials

The following are the materials needed. To make your work fast and efficient, ensure all the materials are ready. Purchase what you do not have but stay within your budget.

  • Cleaner;
  • Piece of cloth;
  • Tile;
  • Gloves;
  • Liquid Nail Silicone Adhesive.

Step 2: Cleaning The Working Area

Using a cleaner, clean both the place where you want to place the tile and the back of the tile. Use the piece of cloth to dry the moisture. A wet surface may cause minimal adherence. 

Cleaning increases adhesion by removing dirt particles. It is essential to clean the work area before installation. Always take your time when cleaning the work area.

Step 3: Assembling The Liquid Nails Silicone Adhesive

Screw the tip on the tube of liquid nail adhesive tube. Squeeze by applying minimal pressure to see if the adhesive is coming out. If not, use the advice to make an opening on the line and screw the tip back again. Make the piercing first for a successful assembly, then screw the tip. This will make sure the silicon adhesives come out. 

Step 4: Applying The Liquid Nail Adhesive

Squeeze a bead of adhesive and apply it to the back of the tile. Usually, six beads are recommended for ease in spreading and adhesion. Spread the glue by rubbing it on the surface of the installation back and forth. 

Wipe off any excess adhesives from the sides with a  dampened rag. Delays in wiping the excess give you a hard time when removing. Always wipe off the excess immediately.

Step 5: Installation

Pull the tile off and let the adhesive vent for 3 minutes. Press the tile back against the surface you rubbed it off. Repeat this process for the remaining tiles. Remember, liquid nails are not meant to be a thin-set, so only apply them for temporary purposes.

Always remember to apply the right amount of adhesive so that the tile can adhere to the surface. Also, avoid using excess adhesive because it might be challenging to come out when dry.

Step 6: Allow To Dry

It is recommended to give at least 48 hours for the liquid nail adhesive to dry. This ensures maximum adhesivity hence increased durability. Do not be in contact with the replaced tiles or the decoration before the glue is thoroughly dried. 

This could cause the tiles to come off or cause minimal adhesion. Sometimes it might require you to give it more time. Always give it as much time as it needs for it to dry.

Places Where Liquid Nails Can Be Used Safely And Worry less

You can use liquid nails for a lot of purposes. They are solid adhesives so you can use them in various places. The following are the places where you can use liquid nails without worrying about their durability or effectiveness.

  • To Stick Tile On Wall

Liquid nails are strong adhesives. This means they can be used on various surfaces. They are used to stick tiles on a wall. Either as decor or as a wall upgrade. Apply the adhesive to the back of the tile. 

Rub the tile against the wall until the adhesive is uniformly distributed. Remove the tile and leave some time to cure, then stick the tile back to the wall and leave to dry. Repeat for the remaining tiles.

  • To Stick Tile On The Floor

For a low foot traffic floor and as a temporary solution, liquid nails can be used to attach tile on the floor. This is because they have a strong adhesive for both surfaces. They also dry at a fast rate and can be used for repair. It is advised against use when you do complete floor installation.

  • To stick wood on wood

Builders mix regular steel nails and liquid nails for strong joint connections and wood fixes for solid adhesivity. This mixture helps make durable furniture that can withstand various weights. They are also used to fix woods in areas where steel nails cannot work.

  • To Stick Wood On A Wall

You might need to fix a wooden portrait or a picture on a wall. Liquid nails are suitable for fixing these tiny objects to a wall. They are strong adhesives that can withstand these weights. If you are looking for a cheap, clean way to improve your wooden decors, you should use this adhesive.

5 Benefits Of Using Liquid Nails On Ceramic Tile

Liquid nails have a lot of merits. This is due to their various uses. They are cheap to purchase if you want something for maintenance. The following are the advantages of using liquid nails on ceramic tiles.

1. Waterproof:

Liquid nails are made up of polymeric compounds. These compounds are waterproof. If water gets in between the gaps of the installed ceramic tiles, it affects its adherence properties. Liquid nails prevent water from getting in between the tiles and causing damage.

2. High Strength:

Liquid nails have high adhesive properties. This means that once they are attached to ceramic tile, it stays fixed to the place for a good period. This gives you service time before the next tile installation.

3. Convenience:

The material composition of liquid nails is made ready for use. This saves you the time needed to mix materials so that you can apply them to a tile. Using liquid nails is easy since you just have to squeeze the adhesive on the back of the tile and attach it to the floor.

4. Resistance:

Liquid nails are made to be resistant to rust, mold, fungus, and rotting. This is an advantage if used on a bathroom ceramic tile or even kitchen tiles. Moist conditions bring about the above factors, but liquid nails are manufactured to resist these factors. They are chemically processed to inhibit the growth of mold and fungus.

5. Automated: 

Liquid nails are manufactured in a way that you can use a gun. This automatic application increases the efficiency of the adhesive on the ceramic tile. It also limits excessive adhesive application, which would be difficult to remove. 

Knowing the right amount of liquid nail to apply can be challenging for beginners. The use of a gun gives you the right amount for proper installation and minimizes wastage.

Purposes Of Using Liquid Nails On Tile Floor: Safest Adhesive Ever

Tiles are very delicate materials. They are prone to breaking. Improper tile fixation and use of poor adhesives result in poor flooring. Liquid nails are a strong type of adhesives that can be used on the tile floor. These are the purposes why liquid nails are used on a tile floor.

1. Avoiding damage:

Liquid nails are used on tile floors to protect the tiles. They hold the tiles in place, preventing them from coming off the floor. They also increase the durability of the tile flooring. 

2. Waterproof:

Liquid nails are waterproof. Water can damage the integrity of the tiles and cause them to come off. For this reason, the use of liquid nails ensures no water can penetrate between the gaps left on tiles hence increasing the durability of the tile floor.

3. Strong Adhesivity:

Liquid nails have strong adherence properties. For a busy floor, the need for solid adhesives is essential. Hence this is one of the reasons why liquid nails are used on tile floors. 

They increase the efficiency and durability of the floor. They also cure fast due to the strong adhesion hence reducing the time needed to use your floor surface.

4. Easy Removal:

During an upgrade to a new floor, someone has to remove the existing base. Some adhesives are tough to come out of. This delays the whole process and makes you use a lot of energy and time. Liquid nails come out pretty easily when using water and solvents. This makes it ideal for a temporary tile flooring installation.

How To Remove Liquid Nails From Ceramic Tile

To remove Liquid Nails from ceramic tile, follow these steps. First, use a putty knife or a similar tool to gently scrape away as much of the adhesive as possible. Be careful not to scratch or damage the tile surface.

Next, apply a small amount of acetone or nail polish remover to a clean cloth or sponge, and gently rub the remaining adhesive. This can help soften the adhesive and make it easier to remove. Continue to scrape and rub until the adhesive is completely gone. 

Afterward, clean the tile with warm soapy water to remove any residue and dry it thoroughly. If the tile is particularly delicate, test the acetone on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it won’t harm the finish.

How to Remove Nail Varnish From Ceramic Tiles

To remove nail varnish from ceramic tiles, follow these steps. First, use a plastic or rubber scraper to gently lift off as much of the nail varnish as possible without scratching the tile surface.Be cautious not to damage the tiles.

Next, apply a small amount of nail polish remover to a clean cloth or cotton ball. Gently blot the stained area, avoiding excessive rubbing to prevent smearing. Continue blotting and reapplying nail polish remover until the varnish is removed.

Once the stain is gone, clean the tile with warm soapy water to eliminate any remaining residue, and then dry it thoroughly. Be sure to test the nail polish remover on an inconspicuous area of the tile first to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage.

Liquid Nails To Repair Kitchen Ceramic Tile Grout

Using Liquid Nails to repair kitchen ceramic tile grout is not recommended. Liquid Nails is an adhesive, not a grout or mortar, and it won’t provide the same structural integrity and flexibility needed for grout.

To repair tile grout effectively, use a grout product specifically designed for the purpose. Remove the damaged grout using a grout saw or a rotary tool and then replace it with new grout, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Proper grout will help maintain the integrity of your tile and prevent further damage. Using Liquid Nails as a grout replacement is unlikely to provide a lasting or aesthetically pleasing solution.

Related Questions:

Can You Fix Ceramic Tiles Using Liquid Nails?

Liquid nails are used for attaching many materials to various surfaces. One of those materials is ceramic tile. Liquid nails have a solid adhesive nature. This makes it possible to apply to a ceramic tile and attach it to a surface.

The use of liquid nails on the ceramic tails is not only due to adhesion. It also makes it possible to easily remove the tile in the future and also protect the tile from molds and water damage.

Can You Use Liquid Nail For Shower Tiles?

Liquid nails are made up of polymeric compounds. These compounds are waterproof. If water gets in between the gaps of the installed ceramic tiles, it affects its adherence properties.

Liquid nails prevent water from getting in between the tiles and causing damage. For these properties, liquid nails are best suited for shower tiles. They are even mold and fungus resistant.

How Strong Is Liquid Nails For Heavy Duty?

Although it is not the strongest adhesive, it is suitable for most home purposes. In terms of strength, the heavy-duty liquid nail can withstand a whole 7 pounds of sand hung on a piece of wood attached with this adhesive to a wall.

On PVC, it can hold up to 57 pounds of sand. For a simple type of adhesive, this is strong. It can hold most of the house decorations with ease. If you want to stick anything less than 7 pounds of sand, you can use this adhesive.

Will Mortar Stick To Liquid Nails?

Liquid nails are used together with other adhesives to increase the durability of floors. They can be used together with mortar. This not only holds the flooring together but also increases the durability. Liquid nails, therefore, can stick to artillery, and together, they can be a suitable thin-set.

It also adds its waterproof properties to the mortar on bathroom floors and the kitchen. Liquid nails are an all-purpose tool that you should consider in any home.

How Long Does It Take For Liquid Nails To Dry?

Depending on the humidity and temperatures of the room, liquid nails may take up to 48 hours to dry. Under the best conditions, liquid nails are said to dry quickly. This, however, does not affect the adhesive nature of the liquid nails.

If you are looking for a quick decoration installation or even to replace a tile, liquid nails have you covered. They will give you an easy application time and even less time to cure, and you can use your space in no time.

Is Gorilla Glue Stronger Than Liquid Nails?

Gorilla glue can hold up to 80 pounds of sand on wood and 41 pounds on PVC. This compared to heavy-duty liquid nails, is a bit less robust. If you are looking for a better option among the two, I recommend liquid nails.

They are not only liquid nails and strong adhesive but also cheap and have other unique properties. They are waterproof, and they are mold resistant. They also cure at a high rate and are easy to apply and install.

What Will Liquid Nails Not Stick To?

Liquid nails stick to everything except polyethylene and polypropylene. This is because the surface of this plastic is non-stick. This makes it hard for liquid nails to adhere to the surface. Once liquid nails are applied to these surfaces, they dry up before attaching to the surface.

This makes the use of liquid nails on these plastics futile. It is recommended to use other methods to stick these surfaces. One can use solvent welding, ultrasonic welding, or infrared welding to bond the plastics made with the above materials.

Can you use liquid nails on ceramic tile?

Yes, you can use Liquid Nails on ceramic tiles, but it’s important to understand its limitations. Liquid Nails is an adhesive that can be used for bonding ceramic tiles to various surfaces like wood, drywall, or concrete. It’s often used for small DIY projects or repairs.

However, it’s not a replacement for traditional tile adhesive or mortar when installing tiles on a substrate like a floor or wall, where grout lines and structural integrity are crucial. For such applications, it’s best to use a specialized tile adhesive or thin-set mortar designed for ceramic tile installation. 

Liquid Nails are more suitable for smaller, non-structural bonding of tiles on surfaces where grout lines are not a concern. Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for proper usage.

Does liquid nails work on ceramic tile?

Yes, Liquid Nails can be used to bond ceramic tiles, but with some limitations. It’s suitable for smaller, non-structural projects where the tiles are attached to surfaces like wood, drywall, or concrete, such as in crafting or minor repairs.

However, it’s not recommended for large-scale tile installations on floors or walls because it lacks the strength and flexibility of dedicated tile adhesives or thin-set mortars.For such applications, use the appropriate adhesive or mortar designed for ceramic tiles to ensure a secure, long-lasting bond.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results and always consider the specific requirements of your project before choosing an adhesive.

Will liquid nails bond molding and ceramic tile?

Liquid Nails can be used to bond molding to ceramic tile, but it may not be the best choice for this application. While it can provide a reasonably strong bond, there are more suitable adhesives designed for molding and ceramic tile.

These specialized adhesives, often labeled as construction adhesives or tile adhesives, offer better durability and flexibility for joining materials with different expansion rates. They are formulated to handle the specific demands of bonding molding to tile surfaces, and they typically result in a more secure and long-lasting connection.

It’s advisable to use the appropriate adhesive for the job to ensure a reliable and lasting bond between molding and ceramic tiles.


The use of liquid nails on the ceramic tile as an adhesive is something to be considered. We have seen the advantages of using liquid nails on ceramic tile and have given you a full installation guide. 

Now that you know, why would you not consider using liquid nails on your ceramic tiles? Liquid nails are your best adhesive solution. Get those repairs and installations done as soon as possible.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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