How To Clean Yellowed Tile Floors? [Be A Pro Today]

How To Clean Yellowed Tile Floors

Healthy tile floors give your home a sophisticated look. But for various reasons, the floor becomes dirty. Which ultimately makes the floor yellowish. The floor needs to be cleaned to remove this yellowish discoloration. Sometimes it becomes a tedious task to clean yellowed tile floors.

As a civil engineer, I have vast experience in tile flooring. What should you do to keep your tile floor fresh? I will tell you everything about how to recover if the tile floor becomes yellowish. You should stay with me throughout the writing. Hopefully, you won’t be disappointed.

I will describe the tile floor cleaning process step-by-step here for your convenience. You’ll also know what causes the tile floor to turn yellow. Moreover, you’ll get a detailed description of preventing the floor from turning yellowish.

4 Effective Methods To Clean Yellowed Tile Floors

The yellowish color of your tile floor will make it look awkward. If you don’t clean the tile floor, it may become inappropriate for usage. Below are two methods on how to clean your yellowed tile floors.

Method 1: Clean the Yellowed Tile Floor Using Vinegar

Vinegar is a less expensive, readily available, and high-quality cleaner. I’ll explain to you step-by-step how to use vinegar to remove yellowing from a tile floor.

Step-1: Things Are Needed

A vinegar solution will be used to remove the tile floor’s yellowish color. The following tools and materials are required for this:

  • Broom;
  • Cleaning gloves;
  • Scrub brush;
  • A bucket;
  • Hot water;
  • White vinegar;
  • Mop.

Step 2: Clean Loose Dirt

Before you clean your yellowed tile floor, clean the loose dirt with a broom. This will make it much easier to clean your floor. Also, removable furniture should be removed before using a vinegar-water solution on your tile floor. Vinegar is mildly acidic with a pH of 2–3, which can damage your furniture or appliances. 

Step 3: Take Hot Water In A Bucket

Hot water is more effective than cold water for cleaning tile floors. It is best if the hot water temperature is 95 °F or 35 °C. Pour the necessary hot water into a bucket. Usually, 1 gallon of water is enough for one floor. If your floor is large, it may take more water.

Step 4: Mix Vinegar And Hot Water

Mix 1 cup (250 ml) of white vinegar into 1 gallon of hot water. If you have light yellowing on the floor, you can add less vinegar. The strength of vinegar cleans the yellowed tile floor. 

So it can be said that vinegar is the main ingredient in this process. Stir in water and vinegar to mix well. As well as this, you can also use apple cider vinegar if you want. It tends to be more acidic than white vinegar.

Step 5: Scrub The Tile Floor With The Solution

Apply a mixture of hot water and vinegar to the entire floor. Wait at least 5 to 10 minutes for the vinegar to work well. Then rub the whole bottom properly with a scrub brush. Continue scrubbing until you have a clean yellow tile floor. Scrub the edges of the floor and walls well. Be careful not to use vinegar solution on your home’s wood, carpets, and furniture.

Step 6: Rinse The Floor Properly

You need to wash the floor now to make sure it is clean. Clean the bucket and put clean hot water in it again. Properly wash the entire floor. At this point, you can apply a critical trick. That is to use a broom while pouring water on the floor. This process will clean your floor very nicely.

Method 2: Clean the Yellowed Tile Floor With Vinegar And Baking Soda

Remember, this vinegar and baking soda solution is a powerful cleaner. Only use it if your floor is a very yellowish color. However, you can use a dilute solution if you want.

Step-1: Needed Materials

You will need the following tools and materials to clean the tile floor using a solution of vinegar and baking soda.

  • White vinegar & Baking Soda;
  • Warm water;
  • A bucket; 
  • Spray bottle;
  • A stiff-bristled brush,
  • Broom;
  • Mop;
  • Cleaning gloves;
  • Floor was.

Step 2: Fill A Spray Bottle With Vinegar And Warm Water

Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a spray bottle. With this spray bottle, you can apply the solution as you wish. You can also spray it on any narrow space. Since it is a thick solution, it is unnecessary to use too much. 

Step 3: Sprinkle The Baking Soda

Sprinkle baking soda all over the tile floor. However, sprinkle more on the grout line and where there is more yellowish dirt. You can use your hand to sprinkle baking soda. Anyway, it is better to wear gloves before cleaning the floor. 

If you have bad spots on your floor, make a paste of baking soda and water. You can apply the paste to the wrong spot and leave it overnight.

Step 4: Spray Vinegar Solution

Now spray vinegar with a spray bottle on the tile floor. Baking soda and vinegar will react, and a fuzzy foam will appear. Leave it for 5 to 10 minutes so that the yellowing is well cleaned. This solution is also effective for small pore grout. Before you start scrubbing, let the foaming finish.

Step 5: Scrub The Tile Floor 

You can use a stiff-breasted brush to scrub your tile floor. Scrub with pressure where there is more yellow. Also, keep cleaning the tile floor grout more because more dirt is deposited here. Here again, you can sprinkle baking soda and spray vinegar. Continue scrubbing until the dirt on the grout is clean.

Step 6: Rinse The Floor properly 

You should wash the tile floor properly. You can use a sponge when cleaning the floor. You rub the floor with a sponge and pour water on it. Vinegar and baking soda are robust solutions. So you need to wash your tile floor thoroughly. You can use hot water to clean it well. 

Step 7: Dry The Floor Completely

After washing the floor, wait for the floor to dry. After drying, check if there is anything like white powder on the floor. If you see white powder, you should understand that some part of the solution is left. It is essential to clean them properly. To do this, wipe the entire floor with a dry clean cloth or mop.

Method 3: Clean the Yellowed Tile Floor Using Oxygenated Bleach

Oxygenated bleach is also called sodium percarbonate. It is possible to remove any stains by using it. Oxygenated bleach is also used as a disinfectant. This will brighten up your tile floor. Follow the steps below to clean the yellowish color from your tile floor.

Step-1: Required Materials

Oxygenated bleach releases oxygen upon contact with water. With this free oxygen, the dirt and stains become clean. That’s why moderate water plays an important role here. Also, the following materials will be needed:

  • Oxygenated bleach;
  • Warm water;
  • Nylon bristle brush;
  • A mop;
  • Cleaning gloves;
  • A broom;
  • A bucket.

Step 2: Make The Solution

Mix 2 cups (473 ml) of hot water with two tablespoons (30 g) of oxygenated bleach. Keep stirring so that the bleach mixes well with the water. Water temperature is an essential factor. Make sure the water temperature is between 40°C and 60°C.

Step 3: Use The Solution And Scrub Well

Apply the solution to your entire tile floor. For this, you can follow any method at your convenience. Wait 10 to 15 minutes to remove the dirt and yellowing from the floor. Then scrub the entire floor with a nylon bristle brush. Finally, rinse the floor thoroughly with fresh water.

Method 4: Clean The Tile Floor With Hydrogen Peroxide

If your tile floor is light yellowish, you can clean it with hydrogen peroxide. It is also an effective disinfectant. You don’t have to wash your floor if you just use it as a disinfectant.

Step-1: Needed Materials

This is one of the easiest ways to remove yellowish stains from the floor. The following general tools and materials will be required:

  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • A bucket;
  • Hot water; 
  • A mop;
  • Scrub brush.

Step 2: Make The Solution

Here you can mix half a cup (120 ml) of hydrogen peroxide with 1 gallon (10 liters) of water. You can use hydrogen peroxide as you wish. Because hydrogen peroxide is not harmful to tile floors, You can use it depending on the dirt on your floor.

Step 3: Use A Mop

If there is a less yellowish color on your floor, use a mild hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide works immediately after ingestion. So there is no need to wait for mopping. Do the whole floor mopping. 

Hydrogen peroxide is a volatile substance, so there is no need to wash the floor. However, if there is more dirt, you can scrub it. Then rinse with clean water.

5 Common Reasons Why Tile Floors Get Yellowed

You may regularly clean your bathroom tile to keep it tidy. But if it is too late to clean, the yellow color is formed on the tiles. The following text explains why this color is created.

1. Poor Ventilation:

If moisture is trapped in your bathroom, it is conducive to the growth of germs. As a result, the tiles in the bathroom have a yellowish tint. Also, the bathroom is almost always in contact with water. That’s why it’s always damp. The perfect environment for mold to grow. This mold growth causes dark or yellow spots to appear on the tile.

2. Hard Water:

If you use hard water, it can be harmful to the tile floor. Hard water contains various minerals such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, etc. Once hard water evaporates, some minerals are left behind. These minerals are responsible for the yellowing of your tile floor. Some cleaners may also contain these minerals.

3. Soap Foam Stains:

All kinds of soap make scum. This type of soap includes face wash, shampoo, body wash, etc. The foam produced from these products is a contaminant. The foam from the bathroom tile becomes stiff if not washed well. At one time, this caused yellowing on the tile floor. 

Also, body washes and gels make less foam, but they are slippery. These contain chelating agents, which cause less foam. The slippery material remains after washing the tile floor to some extent, which is responsible for the yellowing of the tile.

4. Products That Contain Waxes And Oils:

Avoid using wax cleaners if the bathroom tile is linoleum or vinyl. Some wax remains on the floor after using the wax cleaner. This wax chemically reacts with other substances. For this, the tile floor turns yellow.

Also, oil attracts various kinds of dirt to the floor. As a result, the tile floor will become discolored. 

5. Tile Materials:

Due to some tile materials, the tile becomes discolored. Some tiles are more porous than others. Therefore, this type of tile holds onto more hair dyes, shampoos, and cleaning products. Stone, porcelain, and ceramic tiles are more porous than other tiles. So if you use these, your tiles may become more yellow.

6 Useful Tips To To Get Rid Of Yellowed Tile Floors

If the floor environment is not good, your house will look messy. The tile floor needs to be cleaned regularly. Furthermore, you should take care not to get it dirty. Here are some tips to help you keep your tiled floor tidy and healthy.

1. Sweep Every Day:

Sweep your tile floor every day to keep the environment healthy. If you use a broom regularly, you will not need to use anything else. Because of the accumulation of dust, it contains solid stains. Regular use of a vacuum or broom will keep the tile dust free.

2. Routine Mopping:

Mopping removes dirt from the tile floor. Your floor will be free of germs and bacteria. To do this, wipe the entire floor properly using a mop once or twice a week. When mopping, you can use vinegar or baking soda to clean the debris around the baseboard and under the furniture.

3. Improve Ventilation:

Ventilation needs to be improved so that your tile floor does not get damp. The environment will always be dry when ventilated. As a result, germs and mold can’t grow. This will prevent your tile floor from yellowing.

4. Immediately Clean Up Any Spills Or Mess:

Any small drop is enough to create stains on the floor. Spills or messes should be cleaned immediately without delay. After a while, it can turn into a tricky spot. For this, you can use vinegar with hot water. Keep rubbing until the stain is clear.

5. Keep Doormats Close To The Entrance:

Use a doormat at the entrance. This is a great way to keep your floor dust-free. Doormats will maintain a healthy indoor environment by absorbing excess moisture and dust from the feet. You can also use a rack to keep shoes outside. In wet weather, wipe your pet’s feet with a towel before entering the floor.

6. Keep The Grout Clean:

The grout on the tile floor is perforated, so dust accumulates inside it. Mold grows here if the grout is not cleaned. Make a paste of water and baking soda to clean the grout. You can leave the paste on the grout overnight. Then clean it with a nylon brush. You can do this every two weeks.

Related Questions About Cleaning Yellowish Tile Floors:

Why Is My Tile Floor Turning Yellow?

If your tile floor is damp all the time, the floor may turn yellow. The reason is that moisture attracts many different objects, including dust. Then the oxidation process starts due to being deprived of sunlight. This causes your tile floor to turn yellow.

In particular, tea, coffee, and oil spills on the floor are likely to cause yellowing of the tile floor. Also, the soapy cleaner on the bathroom tile floor is responsible for the yellowing of the foam floor. 

How Do You Whiten Yellow Floors?

The first thing I would recommend to whiten your yellowish floors is vinegar. You can easily whiten your yellowish floor by using vinegar. Generally, mix 1 gallon (10 liters) of water with 250ml (one cup) vinegar. Apply this solution all over the floor and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. 

Rub thoroughly with a scrub brush and rinse with water. Keep in mind that if you use hot water, you will get better results. However, the temperature of hot water should not exceed 35 ° C. 

How Do You Whiten A Yellowed Tile Floor?

Mop your tile floor regularly to keep it shiny. If there are hard stains in a particular area, apply a vinegar and baking soda solution. Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of baking soda with 1 cup of water. 

Then leave the solution on the spot and wait for a few hours. Rinse well after rubbing. Remember, never use bleach on a porcelain floor. However, you can whiten yellowed porcelain by using hydrogen peroxide.

Is It Okay To Use Bleach To Clean The Yellowed Tile Floors?

You can use bleach on any non-porous tile. This bleach works excellent for cleaning grout. In addition to cleaning the floor, it also destroys germs. That’s why it’s great for cleaning bathroom tiles. You can only make a solution with bleach and water. Then apply it on the floor, rub well, and wash off. Remember, there is no bleach left.

Does White Ceramic Tile Floor Turn Yellow?

Usually, ceramic tiles don’t turn yellow. But the common problem with ceramic tiles is their dark color or temporary discoloration. The surface of the ceramic tile is smooth so that no dirt can stick to it. As a result of its long-time use, the soft layer on top of it is eroded. This causes temporary discoloration of the ceramic tile.

Final Verdict:

I’m sure your floors will be healthy now because you know how to clean yellowed tile floors. All this dirt is responsible for making the tile floor yellowish. So, you’ll follow the steps mentioned above to maintain a healthy environment on your tile floor. 

However, to ensure that the floor isn’t damp, you should pay attention to free ventilation. Additionally, make sure that the soapy foam doesn’t accumulate on the bathroom’s tile floor.

Jahidul Alam

Hello dear! This is Jahidul Alam. I am the admin of this Tidy Floor. I have been in the floor cleaning business for the last 20 years. My business is all about ensuring affordable flooring cleaning services for Americans.

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